Articles for tag: Dog Commands, Dog House Training, Dog Training Tips

Karla News

Tips for Enforcing Commands in Dogs

Enforcing dog commands can be challenging. The responsiveness of your dog will depend on your reaction to him. If you act nervous and impatient, he will pick up on that and become less responsive to your dog commands. Enforcing commands for dogs is challenging, but by following these dog training tips, your dog will turn ...

Karla News

How to Stop Your Dog from Barking Excessively

Dog Barking is one of the main behavioral problem that dog owners face. In this article I’m going to go over two things. The causes of excessive dog barking and most importantly the solutions to excessive dog barking! What causes dog barking? The four major causes of excessive dog barking are as follows: 1. Boredom ...

Becoming a Guide Dog Trainer

Introduction Training guide dogs, or any service dog, will require a commitment on your part. Guide dog trainers typically do not make much money and their jobs are anything but 9 to 5. As a guide dog trainer, you won’t just be working with dogs, but with people. Some of these people will be easy ...

Karla News

Dog Training: Why Choke Collars Suck

For the average dog owner, the best time to use a choke collar is never. Just take these torture devices and toss them in the garbage. They get their name for a good reason — when pulled, they do choke the dog. But not only that, they also can do severe damage to a dog’s ...

Karla News

How to Train a Therapy Dog

A therapy dog is not your average dog. Indeed, it takes a special type of dog to become one. They are basically dogs with exceptional qualities that are used in hospitals, nursing homes, retirement homes, schools and other places where the dog’s presence may benefit people. Their main goal is to provide comfort to people ...

Karla News

Guard Dog Training – Tips and Techniques

The guard dog training starts at a later stage of the life of the dogs. The training for dogs who help the visually or hearing impaired starts when they are around seven to eight weeks old, the guard dog training starts only after the dogs become adult dogs. But it will be ideal if the ...

Karla News

Reasons for Bad Dog Behavior

Why do people blame themselves for bad dog behavior? I hate the word blame! Dogs respond to their environment. Dog owners are a part of that environment. Whatever dog owners do in the home will affect the dog’s behavior. Owners define what bad dog behavior is. Dog owners are the catalyst of bad dog behavior ...