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How to Be a Better Server, Waiter, Waitress

Food service is always a steady business, and part-time jobs as waiters or waitresses are great options if you need quick cash. Working as a server may be one of few options available if you need to work around a school schedule or add income to your primary employment.

The set-up is pretty basic: serve people food and they leave you tips based on the level of service. Of course, there are still many ignorant people who do not believe in tipping and no level of service will pry open their stingy wallets. But karma’s a witch and most people end up at the mercy of other people’s generosity at some point or another.

As a server, expect to earn virtually nothing per hour (approximately $2.13 depending on your state). Server’s do not have to be paid minimum wage, since the majority of the world understand that tipping is a necessity of eating out.

There are some things you can do to increase your tips and average more per hour.

First, understand your role. Many servers think they just have to take orders and deliver food, but the role of a server is more important. Your customers expect you to know enough about the food and beverage menus to help them decide on their meals. They also expect you to be a good problem solver in case something goes wrong. You have to actually care about whether or not they have a good meal for them to care about leaving you a tip.

Have fun. You are at work. You are not having fun. But your customers have come for the specific reason of having fun and enjoying a meal. They want to sit down, relax and enjoy each other’s company, whether it’s a date, business meeting or family dinner. Your customers can tell if you enjoy your job or are just plastering a smile on your face. To be successful as a server, you have to enjoy meeting new people and care about them as more than a paycheck.

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The most successful servers also have a little bit of entertainer in them. You may not be a stand-up comic, but learn a few one-liners to slip into your greeting. Be confident and treat your customers as if they were your friends. Be courteous and treat them age appropriately, of course. I have seen customers come in and sit down without speaking to each other. They are tense and uncomfortable and for whatever reason, not having a good day. Engage them and get them talking to each other. If you help them break the ice and forget about their personal problems for an hour, your tip will be better. It will also be more pleasant to serve customers enjoying themselves than to serve tense, uncomfortable ones.

The best way to impress your customers is to pay attention to details. If the kids are unhappy and crying, offer to put in the kids orders first, even before the adults have decided. Most children’s entrees only take two or three minutes to prepare and can be brought to the table much earlier to satisfy unhappy children.

Be knowledgeable. Your customers need you to know which steak is the best for them. Or maybe they want to know which vegetables have meat by-products in them. Is the butter real butter or margarine? These may seem ridiculous things, but due to allergies and other medical conditions, some of your customers need to trust your knowledge of the restaurant you work in. They also want you to have the answers when they ask, and not have to run back to the kitchen every five minutes to double-check on something.

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If they ask you how a dish is prepared you should be able to tell them. If they ask you to request a steak, you should be able to order something they will love. Maybe you don’t eat at your restaurant often due to money or time, but you can pay attention to what your customers say in feedback about certain dishes.

When you approach a table, be armed with recommendations for appetizers, the best drinks you know the bartender makes, and how to order a potato. Smile and try to get to know your customers a little. You’ll have more fun at work and see your tips rise.