Articles for tag: Chewing Gum, Eye Pain, Sorbitol, Sugar Free Gum

Sugar Free Gum: Good for the Teeth, Bad for the Bowels

Gum, call it an oral fixation, call it an addiction, or even call it an obsessive trend, but whether you’re a child, teenager, or adult, it seems as though most of the population has to be chewing it constantly. Dentists and health practitioners have always worried about chewing gum because of the sugar content and ...

Karla News

How to Give a Head Massage

Did you know there is an art to giving a head massage? When you are looking for a stress reliever or a sense of calm, a head massage can be the answer. When you are tense and stressed, blood flow to your head is restrained which causes headaches, eyestrain, hair loss, and depression, among other ...

Karla News

The Causes, Symptoms and Care of Eyestrain

There are many explanations as to why we sleep. For instance, we sleep to allow the brain to sort through and get rid of unnecessary information that has accumulated throughout the day. We sleep to give our body a chance to rest and recuperate from things such as muscle strain and illness. But there may ...

Karla News

Is Your Eye Pain Really a Migraine?

That headache behind your eye or strange lines you are seeing may not mean you have a physical problem with your eyes. It may be an ophthalmic migraine. These eye aches are actually common and sometimes painless despite the title of migraine attached to this condition. Eye migraines have visual symptoms with or without the ...

Karla News

Comparing Visine A.C. To Similasan Allergy Eyes

I have horrible allergies. It strange, because when I was growing up, I was never allergic to anything except bee and wasp stings. But somehow over the years, I’ve developed an allergy to a lot of different types of pollens, dusts, and molds. Consequently, I have problems breathing and constantly experience itchy, watery eyes. For ...

Causes of Eye Irritation

There are many possible causes of eye irritation. An allergy from environmental exposure or a chemical reaction to conatct lens solution can result in red, watery irritated eyes. Some of the more common eye conditions include: Blepharitis is a common inflammatory ocular condition that affects the eyelids. It usually causes burning, itching and irritation of ...

Treating the Pink Eye; An Overview of Zaditor

Pink eye, also known as allergic conjuctivitis, is a common concern among parents, healthcare professionals and educators througout the school year. Considered a common childhood ailment, pink eye is highly contagious and, when left untreated, can result in significant eye pain and irritation. For many children, the overwhelming irritation, often as a sensation of itching, ...

Karla News

Healthy Vision: What Causes Dark Floaters?

It can be frightening to see tiny specks of flood your field of vision. Those specks are known as eye floaters and a relatively common phenomenon particularly in older people and those who are near-sighted. They are usually dark in color and may resemble black spots. When people experience them, they’re sometimes concerned that they’re ...