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How Progesterone Can Help Women Conceive and Prevent Miscarriage

Basal Body Temperature, Conceiving, Healthy Pregnancy, Progesterone

The problem of infertility among women has been increasing dramatically over recent years. Though much of this rise has been attributed to delayed childbearing, other factors such as chemical exposure and reproductive abnormalities also contribute. Many women receive extensive medical treatment and interventions in order to conceive. These treatments vary from simple hormone therapy to in-vitro fertilization. However, what many doctors and women overlook in the process of trying to get pregnant, is the role of progesterone in conceiving, as well as sustaining, a healthy pregnancy.

How Progesterone Works
In a reproductively healthy woman, the level of progesterone produced by her body will surge after ovulation. If the woman has conceived, the levels of progesterone will remain heightened until twelve weeks’ gestation, when the placenta takes over supplying this essential pregnancy hormone. If the woman has not conceived, the progesterone level will drop and allow for another menstrual cycle to begin. If fertilization does occur, the levels of progesterone prevents the lining of the uterus from shedding, thus supplying a healthy environment for the baby to implant and receive nutrition.

Results of a Lack of Progesterone
Many women who have trouble with conceiving or have suffered a miscarriage in the early months of pregnancy have a progesterone deficiency. Some women simply do not produce enough progesterone to sustain a healthy uterine lining, which makes it difficult for a fertilized egg to implant or to stay implanted. If implantation is not facilitated, the pregnancy is then flushed out with the woman’s next period. In this case, a woman who believes she is “infertile” may not realize that she is conceiving, but that she is having very early miscarriages. If the baby does implant, but the uterine lining is not provided with enough progesterone to sustain the pregnancy, a miscarriage occurs. Progesterone also has a role in preparing a woman’s breasts for lactation, as well as altering the ligaments and muscles in a woman’s body to facilitate birth.

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Recognizing a Progesterone Deficiency
The easiest way to recognize a progesterone shortage is to record basal body temperatures on a monthly basis. Typically, a reproductively healthy woman will experience a temperature surge of .4 degrees the day after ovulation has occurred. However, for a woman whose body does not produce enough estrogen, this temperature surge will be closer to .2 or .3 degrees.

Getting Started with Progesterone
The good news for women with a progesterone problem is that there is help available. All-natural progesterone creams are available in many health food stores as well as on-line stores. Some women may choose to receive a Doctor’s prescription for progesterone. It is wise to note that progesterone prescribed by a physician will contain synthetic materials, because all-natural products may not be patented. It is often easier and less-expensive to purchase a bottle of all-natural progesterone on-line. It is important to ensure that the bottle you purchase is not for menopausal women, but for women who are having problems with fertility or sustaining pregnancy. 2 oz bottles of progesterone are sold for around $20. You will find that www.beyondfertility.com is an excellent vendor of all-natural progesterone.

The Process
The process for using progesterone to sustain a healthy pregnancy is very simple. The key to beginning the process is to know when you are ovulating. You may determine this by recording your basal body temperature or by purchasing an ovulation detector test from your pharmacy. Once you know you have ovulated, apply a small amount of the cream to your abdomen twice daily until your period begins. When the final day of your cycle has arrived, take a pregnancy test. If you are not pregnant, discontinue the use of progesterone until after you have ovulated in your next cycle. If you are pregnant, you must keep up the use of progesterone to ensure you will not miscarry. You will need to supplement your body’s progesterone until you are 12 weeks along, at which time your placenta will take over progesterone-production. Note: It is the drop in progesterone which triggers a woman’s body to begin menstruation. If you do not discontinue the use of progesterone when you find you are not pregnant, you will not begin your period.

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The Benefits
Many women find the use of progesterone to enhance fertility beneficial for Several reasons.

First of all, you may pursue this treatment without ever stepping inside a Doctor’s office. Though it is wise to inform your physician that you are taking progesterone, you do not need to attend fertility appointments or spend thousands of dollars on tests and treatments that may not work. You can try progesterone for six months while spending less than $100.

Another benefit to all-natural progesterone is just that: It is all-natural. The fewer unnatural substances and chemicals going into your body, the better, and this is especially true for a woman who is having difficulty conceiving.

Progesterone cream is easy to use. Its use does not entail complicated instructions or large amounts of time. However, it is essential to note that you must be faithful in applying progesterone twice daily from ovulation until menstruation. Any interruption in the flow of progesterone could cause the fertilized egg to be expelled.

If you have had difficulty conceiving or sustaining a healthy pregnancy, check out some of the links below. They will provide you with more information and documentation regarding the use and benefits of progesterone.
