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How I Naturally Flavor My Water to Reduce Cravings for Soda and Coffee

8 Glasses of Water, Flavored Water, Lemon Water

Drinking appropriate amounts of water has tremendous benefits for those who are managing their weight or embarking on a weight-management lifestyle.

As a runner, I would always say I drank enough water until I really began to track the number of glasses consumed compared to the amount of coffee and soda I drank. But drinking water seemed more of a chore and I would find myself during the day stopping to buy a 12-ounce can of diet soda or flavored water.

I no longer do that. As part of my weight-management lifestyle, I drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day to have at least 64 ounces or more if I’m working out.

Flavoring My Water

I have found that lemon slices, fresh mint, and cucumbers or Persian cucumbers that we buy at the produce store have been refreshing additions to flavor water and keep me drinking.

Other herbs can be used that have a mild taste.

Soda cravings and my need to occasionally buy flavored water is practically gone. I have gone up to three months not drinking a diet soda and I have not missed it. When I have bought one, I have found that I can sip it throughout the day or make it last for about two days.

Water in the Morning

I drink 8 ounces to 10 ounces of water as soon as I wake up. If I’ve worked out the night before, I may drink 12 ounces. Then, instead of rushing to the coffee pot I will warm up water in a teakettle. I cut a quarter slice of lemon and drop it in my 8-ounce cup.

After the water warms up but before it boils, I pour it on the lemon and then drink.

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I then eat breakfast which has typically been a large salad and then I’ll have a cup of coffee. If I’m going to be on the road, I make sure I carry bottled water and keep it in an insulated bag. I don’t add flavors to that water but wait until I get back to my desk.

Water in the Afternoon

Before lunch, I typically drink 1 to 2 glasses of water and then after lunch, I’ll take a large glass or pitcher and add mint, lemon, or both and let the water sit. I take 2 mint leaves per 8 ounces of water and a ¼ slice of lemon and then sip throughout the day.

I have also found that adding cucumber slices creates a mild flavor. Persian cucumbers are widely available and have a slightly sweeter taste. Cucumber slices can add enough flavor without lemon.

Water in the Evening and Night

At night, instead of decaf coffee I’ll repeat my warm lemon water and sip one or two cups.

Lemon water gives me a soothing feeling, settles well, and aids in digestion.

I still drink about one cup of coffee a day and about 20 ounces of a diet soda about once every 2 months.

The water is now far more palatable and I don’t feel bloated and I don’t get jitters in the afternoon.

Other items for flavoring water can be: lime, apple slices, and orange slices. Experiment with different herbs and mild vegetables. You might find that flavoring your own water reduces your need for sugar, caffeine and saves money.