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How Can You Prevent Split Ends?

Dry Shampoo, Split Ends

In order to prevent split ends you must handle your hair gently and try to avoid tangles. It must be kept clean and free of oil and dirt. Naturally dry hair needs to be conditioned to avoid split ends.

Hair is like a natural filter that catches and absorbs dust, smoke and odors. However, frequent shampooing can damage your hair in many ways.

Dry shampoo, mostly cornstarch and fragrance, is a good alternative that will rid your hair of dust, grime, and excess oil without exposing it to the stress of shampooing. There are a number of good dry shampoo products on the market or you can use regular cornstarch, which would be a lot cheaper and just as effective.

Simply dust the cornstarch into your hair and gently massage it in with your fingers then comb or brush it out. The cornstarch will take out the grime, leaving your hair clean and subtle. More importantly, your hair will be spared the stress of a regular shampoo, and a light spritz of hair spray will give it a nice scent.

Another way to avoid the stress that helps cause split ends is to alternate between shampoo and conditioner. If you’ve recently used shampoo on your hair, it really doesn’t need that much soap so soon. Your conditioner is perfectly capable of cleaning your hair without the harmful soap that strips your hair of natural oils, leaving it very vulnerable to tearing and splitting.

If you have normal to dry hair, apply the conditioner but instead of waiting for it to condition, use your fingertips to gently massage it into the hair then rinse. Do not swirl your hair as it causes tangles and that’s one thing you want to prevent. Simply run the water through your hair and use your hands to gently press out the excess.

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If your hair is a bit dry, don’t rinse it completely out. Leaving a small residue will help retain the moisture your hair needs. If your hair is oily, rinse completely.

Rubbing your hair vigorously with a towel is one of the number one causes of split ends due to the tangles it creates. Just pat it dry. Blow drying is another cause of split ends because not only does it tangle the hair, it also takes most of the moisture out.

Examine your comb. Is it old and getting brittle? Are there little chips or points protruding? Is your brush old and worn? They will tear your hair to shreds so throw them away and get new ones.

Care needs to be taken when combing or brushing your hair. Any time you feel resistance, stop and work the tangle out gently. Ripping a brush or comb through tangled hair will split the ends. As mentioned before, your hair is much more delicate when wet so comb wet hair gently.

Trim two to four inches off the ends of your hair once every four to six weeks, which will eliminate brittle split ends and leave more nutrition for the rest of your hair. The ends are older and therefore more brittle and lifeless. Furthermore, consider the fact that proper nutrition means healthier, stronger hair, and if it’s good for the skin, it’s also good for your hair.

In summary, when it comes to preventing split ends, the key is gentleness. Make sure there is no resistance when you run a comb or brush through it. Alternate between dry shampoo and conditioner to clean your hair and pat, don’t rub, to keep it from tangling. If you must use a blow dryer, use a cooler setting and try to avoid as much tangling as you can.

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