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Houseplants: the Arrowhead Vine

The Arrowhead Vine, also known as the Goosefoot plant, originates from Mexico. It is a great indoor plant for your home or greenhouse setting. It is relatively easy to grow. It isn’t required that you have a green thumb. This plant will make you look as though you do. The best use for this plant is in a hanging basket because it loves to climb.

Here are some tips to help you take care of the Arrowhead Vine Plant:


This plant likes the same temperatures as you do. It will do well in most normal temperature settings that range between 60 and 85 degrees. That is what makes this plant so great for indoor usage.


The Arrowhead will grow best in medium humidity. If you plan on keeping this plant in an area that has very dry air, it is suggested that you purchase a small humidifier or use another method in order to ensure the plant is getting enough moisture. You can add stones or pebbles to a dish and place it beneath the plant. This will allow the water in the plant to drain out and be reused as a source of humidity. Do not place the plant directly in the water as this can cause the roots to rot.


This plant loves bright light. Keep it out of the way of the direct sunlight that comes through the windows. This can be detrimental to the plant as it can cause the leaves to burn. The Arrowhead can be placed anywhere in the home as it enjoys light coming from any direction.

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The soil that you should use for this plant should be a good rich potting soil. It should hold water but also easily drain. You can use an African Violet mix. If you choose to make your own mix use one part garden soil, two parts peat, two parts leaf mold and one part coarse sand or perlite. Keep in mind to always use a pot that has a hole in the bottom so that the excess water can drain out.


The Arrowhead plant doesn’t need a large amount of water. Keep the soil just slightly moist. Be careful not to over water the plant as this can cause its demise. Using rainwater can be harmful to the plant because it often contains too much acid. It is recommended that you use tap water or spring water. If possible, the use of soft water is best.


You do not need to feed this plant often. Feeding it once every two months will suffice. Use a water soluble fertilizer. Mix it half and half with water before using.


This plant is known to get mealy bugs, aphids and scale. Check all plants before you purchase them to be sure that these problems do not already exist. You do not want to introduce issues to plants that already exist in your home.

Other Tips

This is a climbing plant. It will need a support that allows it to cling as it grows unless it is used as a hanging planter. You should mist frequently with warm water. The water should also be lime free to prevent the staining of leaves. The Arrowhead should be replanted in the Spring so that it can continue to grow properly. Pinch it back every now and then as well.

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If you follow these instructions, you should have a fairly easy time growing this beautiful plant. It will add years of beauty to your home. Enjoy your new find!