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Home Remedies for Joint Pain

Joint Pain, Lifting Weights

Joint pain is something that I have suffered from for many years due to my many medical problems. Whether its felt in my hands as I write, in my back or in my knees, joint pain can leave you feeling worn out and tired. In an effort to alleviate this joint pain I have come up with a few home remedies for joint pain that won’t break the bank.

Stretching regularly for an hour a day

While there is no sure fire way to get rid of joint pain completely, I have found that stretching throughout the day can help alleviate joint pain and help to regulate blood flow into the muscles and joints. Your tendons and muscles being tight will cause greater strain on your joints which will also increase the amount of pain that you feel. You should stretch every hour for at least five to ten minutes if possible and at least ten minutes right when you wake up as tossing and tuning in our sleep causes our joints to be very tense. I have found that doing this has drastically decreased how warn out I feel and the pain subsides temporarily.

Lifting weights

The immediate reaction here for most would be that lifting weights would actually cause more pain, not less, but I have found that this is in fact not the cause at all. What I found was that my pain was not only alleviated, but in strengthening the muscles that help to support my joints, the impact on my joints from everyday life was far less than it had been before. If you would rather use a method that is less impacting, I would suggest using weight resistance bands as they are less taxing on your joints then lifting weights.

See also  Can Lifting Weights Cause Aortic Dilatation (Enlargement)?

Drinking lots of water

Water does just help to regulate the digestive system, but it also helps to promote muscle growth and provides padding for our joints. Over eighty percent of our body is made up of water and as a result people who are dehydrated are more likely to suffer injuries because of this. Even though you may think that you are not dehydrated, chances are if you don’t drink the recommended amount of water or more depending on workload, you are in fact dehydrated to a certain extent. Drinking more water will help to clean out harmful toxins and will also help to promote overall body and cardiovascular health. The easier blood can travel through the body, the better your body will be able to protect your joints and also keep your body temperature regulated, which will in turn alleviate the pain from joints that you feel.

Drinking a cup of warm honey and cinnamon

Honey has been shown to help with the protection against disease and infection as well as stimulate hair growth and skin health through the large amounts of vitamin E contain within it. My brother suggested that I drink a mixture of honey and cinnamon and within a few days I noticed a difference in the amount of joint pain I felt and in particular during the mornings when I was waking up. Cinnamon has been shown to have qualities which allow it to alleviate joint pain and with that I found that also applying warm honey directly to my joints also alleviated the pain I felt.