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Home Remedies for Fleas in Your House

Flea Repellent, Frontline Plus, Kill Fleas

You have decided that you need a new addition to your family, something that will bring you great joy. So you go to the pet store or the pound and get a cat or dog and maybe even both. You see the enjoyment you are getting from your new addition. You have a companion, a friend, something to play with, whatever you want to call your new pet. However, your new cat or dog brings you something else that you do not want-fleas.

You call the pet store or your veterinarian to see what you can do about these blood sucking vampires of felines. Not only are they attacking your pet, they are also jumping on you as you walk into the room.

You find out that there are three things you can get for your beloved pet. The first type of flea control comes in a pill form that you feed your pet. This acts as an internal flea repellent. You can also use certain types of shampoos to kill fleas. An easier way to treat your pet is to use either Frontline Plus or Advantage. A once monthly treatment kills both the fleas and eggs. A final way to control fleas is to treat your house. This is normally done by using flea sprays and foggers.

While these ways are effective in flea control, there are disadvantages. When you give your pet a pill, this may take care of the fleas biting your cat or dog. However, this does not take eliminate the fleas in your rug and on your furniture. They will find some other victim, you.

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Giving you pet a bath can be both messy and expensive. Even if you use the safer method by using Frontline Plus or Advantage, you are hurting your wallet. This treatment is expensive; you may pay up to $50 for a three month supply.

Using pesticides in the house entails a lot of work. You have to make sure all opened food, even your pet’s dish, is covered. Then you have to evacuate your house for at least two hours so you do not breathe in the dangerous fumes.

You scratch your head, wondering if there is a more effective way that is cheap and safe to use to get of your unwanted fleas. Cheer up; there are many home remedies that you can try.

Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your pet’s drinking water. Mix a teaspoon of brewer’s yeast to a can of wet food. Add garlic oil to your pet’s food. These are all very effective to repelling fleas.

Any type of shampoo will work for your pet. For example, if you use Head and Shoulders, use this. Lather your pet and leave it on for ten minutes. Then rinse the soap off completely. Make sure that you do not leave any soap in its fur since this can cause your pet’s skin to become dry and itchy. Also, if you are giving your cat a bath, watch out for sharp claws ready to maul you. Cats, for your information, do not really like water.

Wash your pet’s bedding weekly. Use hot water and, when you put it in the dryer, put the setting on hot.

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Mix equal portions of Borax and baking soda and sprinkle it on your furniture and floor. This is an excellent flea repellent.

If you own a swimming pool, chances are that you use diatomaceous earth for your filter. Sprinkle this on you floor. Not only is this an excellent repellent, it is also effective in killing fleas. Make sure that you vacuum twenty-four hours after you treat the floor.

Whether you have a cat or a dog, it is evident that flea’s will be a part of their life. However, by using these simple home remedies, fleas will not rule or ruin your life.