Articles for tag: Dog Fleas, Flea Infestation, Fleas, How to Kill Fleas

All About Cat and Dog Fleas

What are fleas? Fleas are very tiny parasitic insects that survive by feeding off the blood of mammals. What do fleas look like? Fleas are wingless, usually measure between 1/16th to 1/8th of an inch in size, and have six legs that are adapted for jumping. Fleas are able to move through the fur of ...

Karla News

Flea Control for Cats: What I’ve Used and What Worked

Every responsible cat owner needs to decide on a flea control method to use in order to keep their pets and home free of fleas. I have three cats, and I’ve tried quite a few different products before I settled on the one that works best. I had started with what most pet owners probably ...

Karla News

Got Fleas? How To Help Your Pet’s Flea Problem

I have some tips for you that I practice myself for my pets and for my home. You can go to your local petsmart and buy flea collar after flea collar for your dog and cat, but my experience with flea collars has not got the job done like I wanted. Flea collars do work, ...

Karla News

Indoor Cats at Biggest Risk for Flea-related Problems

What? You say your cat is indoors ALL the time? So you think this means your cat can’t have fleas. Do I have some news for you! Some of the most severe cases of flea allergy dermatitis and flea anemia I have ever seen have been on indoor only cats. That’s right, you heard me…indoor ...

Karla News

Tips for Natural Flea Control

Along with the warmer weather come those pesky critters that are the bane of dog and cat owners everywhere: fleas! As the TV ad says, just one flea is all it takes to start a major infestation. No matter how carefully you try to prevent fleas on your pets or in your home, you may ...

Karla News

Natural Flea Control for Your Pet Dog

All of us hate fleas on our pet dogs, but most of us prefer to avoid using toxic flea controls in our homes. Luckily there are a number of flea control methods available using natural means and products. One of the most important things to remember is that controlling fleas is vastly different in dog ...

Karla News

How to Stop Fleas on Your Cats

Fleas on your cat are more than just an itchy, scratchy bother. Fleas can cause allergic reactions in cats, which require Cortisone™ shots from your veterinarian. They can also cause other health problems in your cat such as Anemia and worms. Not only that, but fleas easily spread from cat-to-cat, cat-to-human, cat-to-other-pets, and from a ...

Karla News

How to Kill Fleas on Newborn Puppies

Learning how to get rid of fleas on newborn puppies can be easy if you are diligent and know the right methods. Fleas are a common problem for puppies. Newborn puppies are still too young to get flea baths with special flea killing shampoo, but they can still get fleas. If you are having this ...