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Home Office Painting Tips

Painting Tips, Painting Your Home

Have you been thinking of converting one of the rooms in your home into an office? You have already picked out your furniture, but you notice your walls seem dull. You want your surroundings to be enhanced and to match your furniture. You want your room to be bright and inviting. So what can you do? What color paint should you choose?

The color of paint or combination of paints that you choose to use in your room depends on several factors:

1. The color of your furniture

2. The amount of light that is normally in the room

3. The size of the room

4. What you intend to use your home office for

So, what color furniture are you considering putting in your home office? Normally, a home office has a couple of chairs, a desk, a book case, and maybe even a love seat. One thing to remember is that you want your paint on your wall to contrast nicely with your furniture. If you choose to have furniture that is darker in color, you may want to use a lighter paint color. For example, a bright white paint color with black furniture would work wonderful together. On the other spectrum, a darker paint color with light colored furniture may look good together. A cream colored paint may also go good with wood furniture. A black and white color would also go well with metal finished or grey furniture.

Besides furniture, think about how much natural lighting is in your room on a day to day basis. If your room is facing north, it will not get a whole lot of sunlight during the day, especially during the winter. This may leave your room looking dark. In this scenario, you may want to paint your room with light colors (e.g. light yellow, blue, white, etc.).

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Do you want to use paint to manipulate the size or dimension of your room? You can use different colored paints to create the illusion that your room is much bigger in one direction than it is in another. For example, if your room has four walls (plus the ceiling) you can paint one of the walls black and leave everything else white. Another idea would be to paint half of each wall in your room bright white and the other half black. Yet another idea would be to paint one end wall a bright yellow and the other walls a shade of brown. This will add dimension to the room.

Before painting your home office, think about the purpose of the office. What is it going to be used for? If you are using it to do serious business, you may not want to use colors that will put you to sleep. Try using brighter or somewhat neutral colors such as a sky blue or a pale green. This will keep you feeling alive, but it will not distract you too much like some other wild colors would.

Remember, be creative. Make it the way you like it. It does not only have to be an office for business, but it can also be your sanctuary.