Karla News

Hidden Dangers of Splenda – Must Read Article

Splenda, Sucralose

Can you really believe “them”?

We heard the claims. We buy the product. We think what we are doing is indulging in a super sweet, great way to avoid sugar that is actually healthy for us. Why? Because, thats what we have been told. What about what we have NOT been told? Here’s a fact for you. This comes straight off of Dr Merola’s website:

“As of 2006, only six human trials have been published on Splenda (sucralose). Of these six trials, only two of the trials were completed and published before the FDA approved sucralose for human consumption. The two published trials had a grand total of 36 total human subjects.

36 people sure doesn’t sound like many, but wait, it gets worse, only 23 total were actually given sucralose for testing and here is the real killer:

The longest trial at this time had lasted only four days and looked at sucralose in relation to tooth decay, not human tolerance.

Thats it, four days. I know people who have been faithfully using splenda since it hit the market! And it hasn’t even been tested for safety! Something sounds very wrong with that. As a matter of fact, it sounds plain old wrong. How can this be? Well ladies and gentle men, we have to be advocates of our own health. We can not solely rely on the FDA, or the companies themselves to look out for our health. In the end, we are health driven, and they are driven by money.

So what do you do if you are using splenda and think it may be harming you? Well, according to Dr. Mercola:

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“The best way to determine if Splenda or sucralose is affecting you is to perform an elimination/challenge with it. First eliminate it and other artificial sweeteners from your diet completely for a period of one to two weeks. After this period reintroduce it in sufficient quantity.

For example, use it in your beverage in the morning, and eat at least two sucralose containing products the remainder of the day. On this day, avoid other artificial sweeteners so that you are able to differentiate which one may be causing a problem for you. Do this for a period of one to three days. Take notice of how your body is feeling, particularly if it feels different than when you were artificial sweetener free.”

This is actually the same measure many people take when they feel they have any food allergy. Just because you don’t have adverse reactions though, doesn’t mean you are in the clear. Like the story with nutra sweet and sweet and low, they were found to be toxic, although still on the market, most of us know of their dangers. Splenda even took advantage of this by trying to proclaim, since splenda is “made from sugar, so taste like sugar” that its actually healthy. Now that you have some facts under your belt, you are better equipped to see for yourself if it’s as safe as they say.

Remember, there is a “sweetener” that must be labeled as a dietary supplement, called stevia. It is found in many grocery stores, and almost any health food store. Its made from the herb stevia, and is much safer then all labeled sweeteners. You can find many recipes on the Internet for the type you choose. This way when you eliminate splenda, you will have a substitute, other then refined white sugar!

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Remember, the makers of splenda aren’t going to tell you anything that would hinder your purchase of their product, read through the deceptive marketing tactics, and fight for your health!
