Articles for tag: Diet Soda, Kidney Function, Tooth Decay, Tooth Enamel

Diet Soda Debate – Good or Bad for You?

Diet soda is what many of us have lived on for decades. It’s sugar-free, calorie-free, tastes great and many diet soda flavors contain caffeine to help get us through our hectic days. So what’s not to love? As the diet soda debate intensifies on both sides of the issue, here are some solid findings which ...

Karla News

Signs and Symptoms of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is caused by bacteria, and leads to damage to tooth enamel, which results in cavities. It can also result in tooth pain, infection, tooth loss, and in very severe cases, tooth decay can result in death. There are several signs you can look for in recognizing tooth decay. You can also effectively deal ...

Karla News

Home Remedies for Tooth Decay Pain

Tooth decay results from bacteria in the mouth, and causes damage to the tooth enamel. Tooth decay leads to cavities, and if left untreated, tooth decay can lead to pain, infection, tooth loss, and in very severe cases, death. The best way to catch cavities before they become severe is to go to regular dental ...

Karla News

Common Tooth Decay Symptoms

The danger of tooth decay is that most people do not realize they have a problem until their dentist finds cavities or infections in the teeth. Tooth decay symptoms can be extremely subtle, which is why it is important to maintain regular appointments with your dentist. Pain The most common tooth decay symptoms are pain ...

Karla News

Tooth Decay in Children

Tooth decay in children affects both baby teeth and permanent teeth. Parents who make the time to learn how children can prevent the need for a tooth extraction by properly using fluoride toothpaste and flossing as part of their oral hygiene routine, usually find that this can go a long ways toward preventing other associated ...

Karla News

Keep the Dentist Away with Green Tea

It’s been said that green tea is great for your overall health. It prevents cancer, eases the body during cancer therapies, increases the heart’s resistance to cardiovascular diseases, reduces appearance of wrinkles, improves the metabolism, minimizes the chances of developing breast cancer, used to detoxify the body, helps weight loss, bring cholesterol levels down, relieves ...

Karla News

Eight Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is something everyone wants to avoid as it not only impacts the aesthetics of your smile, but it also leads to pain and discomfort. To prevent tooth decay you need to understand the relationship between carbohydrates and bacteria. Bacteria is attracted to the carbohydrate residues that are left on your teeth from the ...

Treatment and Cures for Tooth Decay

There are numerous options for treating tooth decay, but the problem lies in deciding which treatment options are right for the individual. There are no miraculous tooth decay cures that will simply make your mouth whole again. However, your dentist can help you find an option that fits within your budget and lifestyle needs. Dental ...

How to Deal with Dental Caries or Tooth Decay

Dental caries is another name for tooth decay. The tooth enamel suffers from holes that eventually destroy its structure. The second most common disorder after the common colds, tooth decay usually affects children and young adults. But, really, any person can get tooth decay. Those who do not brush often and who have a lot ...