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Herbal Remedies for an Upset Stomach

Lipton Tea, Rolaids

Have you ever ate something that did not agree with you or your stomach? Have you ever had a stomach ache? Chances are pretty good that the answer to both of these questions is a resounding yes. If the answer to this question was yes, then you probably already know what it feels like to be rummaging around the medicine cabinet for the tums, rolaids, or pepto bismol, trying to rid yourself of this annoying, and sometimes painful, ailment. Well go ahead and leave that stuff for a different time and day because there are alternative ways to rid yourself of this exasperating occurrence.

Native Americans did many things the right way and one of those was the fact that they knew how to cure many common ailments, upset stomach, being one of them. Instead of using pharmaceutical drugs, which they did not have, they used natural substances found on this wonderful earth. The usage of herbal remedies was a wondrous mystery to the earlier physicians, if you could actually call them that back then, because they were amazed at the healing power that Native Americans had over common illnesses. These cures did not go un-noticed, and they did take note. Of these herbal remedies.

Many people underestimate the power of growing their own herb garden. Some may think it is tacky, or they might say that they do not have the time or patience. Neither should be true, because when it comes to health and well-being we should always have time; and being able to be self-sufficient in our medicinal needs is never tacky.

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There are many herbs that can cure a stomach ache such as dandelion roots, the leaves of the peppermint plant, and many more. Today, I am going to focus on two tried and true methods of curing this irritating ailment which are: (1) Peppermint tea, and (2) chamomile tea.

Perhaps now you are asking, “how do I make a tea out of this stuff?” The answer is: exactly the same way you make your Lipton tea, only this time we’ll be using make-shift tea-bags.

Here’s what you do for both teas:

(1)For either, take a handful of the leaves from the plant and place them in a coffee filter.

(2)Using some kind of thread or ‘string,’ tie the open end of the coffee filter closed to make a “tea-bag” (make sure you leave extra ‘string’ hanging from end of coffee filter just like a regular tea-bag)

(3)Boil 2 cups of water.

(4)After the water boils, remove it from the heat and put your ‘tea-bag’ in to the water.

Wait for 20 minutes and the water should be fairly dark. (you can leave it in longer for a more potent tea).

(5)Add sugar or honey for flavor.

*note: you can drink it without sugar or honey, but both are fairly bitter.

Drink a cup of this, and almost instantly, your upset stomach will disappear. I use this remedy for myself and for my children. It works beautifully and I always have many different herbs at my disposal. If you’re curious to know about more herbal remedies then google it. There are many more alternatives ways of relieving yourself of everyday illnesses. I could cite sources for this how-to, but I learned these from my mother, who is a full-blood Muscogee. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send me a message, or simply post below to get help. I will do what I can.