Articles for tag: Dog Illness, Dog Poop

Karla News

What Does Normal Dog Poop Look Like?

Books, periodicals and websites are full of warnings about abnormal dog poop. Tar-like stools, watery stools, stools covered in cloudy mucus – these are all flashing neon signs that a dog needs to go to the vet. Most dog owners are so familiar with what abnormal dog stool is supposed to look like that they ...

Common Dog Illnesses and Their Symptoms

Some dog illnesses can be prevented with proper vaccinations. Canine distemper is one of these illnesses. Symptoms include gooey eye and nose discharge, fever, poor appetite, coughing and the development of pneumonia. While the virus begins in the respiratory tract, it doesn’t stop there. It goes on to cause vomiting and diarrhea, calluses on the ...

Karla News

My Experience with Canine Addison’s Disease

I would often go play with my mom’s dog, Micron, as he laid next to her in her bedroom. My dad would go to work and Micron would wake up and want to play. I would sit on the bed and move my hand around in front of him as his favorite play activity was ...

Karla News

Help, I Think My Dog Has Ringworm!

What is canine ringworm? Canine ringworm is a skin condition caused by a fungus. It is identical to ringworm in humans. If ringworm is not caused by a worm, why call in ringworm? When ringworm starts to heal, the bare spots will heal from the outside in, forming a ‘ring’ which is quite noticeable. How ...