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Haunted Places in Memphis, Tennessee

Bell Witch, Ghost Sightings, Haunted Places, Millington, Orpheum

Tennessee has one of the most famous ghost stories of all time. Adams, Tennessee is where the Bell Witch named “Kate” supposedly haunted people. It is such a popular story that movies have been made about is, including the recent “An American Haunting”. Memphis, Tennessee also has its fair share of haunted places and ghost sightings. One Memphis group is even dedicated to exploring these haunted places and sightings. The group is Memphis Paranormal Investigations. For more information about this group check out their website at www.memphisparanormalinvestigations.com Now, here are a few places in Memphis, Tennessee that are supposed to be haunted. Before you check any of these places out, make sure you have the property owner’s permission. You don’t want to get caught trespassing.

One alleged haunted place is at Overton Park. Supposedly there is a woman in her mid thirties wearing a blue dress that is often seen walking around the lake at night. She is often seen on the south side of the lake. She has supposedly been seen reaching her arm out, but when she is approached she vanishes. Reportedly, a woman in a blue dress was found near the lake in the 1960’s stabbed to death. Maybe this sighting is her ghost.

Another Memphis ghost sighting is at The Orpheum Theater. A young girl named “Mary” has supposedly been seen haunting the theater. It has been said that “Mary” is a girl that died when the Orpheum caught fire, however records do not indicate anyone dying in the incident. Others believe that “Mary” is a girl that was hit by a car on Beale Street. Whoever she is, she is a shy girl that loves to hear the organ played. She also has a special seat to watch shows at the theater.

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The Woodruff-Fontaine House, also in Memphis, has been reported to be haunted by the ghost of Molly Woodruff. She has been seen in the “Rose Room”, which used to be her bedroom. When the house became a museum in the 1960’s it is rumored that Molly told a woman “My bed doesn’t go there.” People have also smelled an odor of cigar smoke in the home when nobody was smoking.

Another place that is supposed to be extremely haunted is at the smoke stacks in Millington, a Memphis suburb. The smoke stacks are part of what used to be a gunpowder factory. A lot of the factory is supposed to be underground and connected by tunnels. Supposedly a man killed people and hid the bodies in the factory. It is also rumored that the old man haunts the factory and the victims haunt the woods surrounding the factory.

Also in the Memphis suburbs is the Blackwell House in Bartlett. This house is supposedly extremely haunted and at one point families could only reside in the home for about a month. Supposedly Mr. Blackwell did not allow his children to sleep in the dark. A family that lived in the home after the Blackwell’s would turn off a lamp to have it mysteriously turn back on. Even after unplugging it, it supposedly turned back on.

These are some of the haunted places in Memphis. Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not. Decide for yourself.