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Getting the Best Shaped Eyebrows

Eyebrow Pencil, Pluck Eyebrows, Tweeze, Tweezing

Eyebrows are tricky though. You want to pluck enough to have a nice, clean shape, but plucking too much can also be a problem. You can also wax your eyebrows and also eyebrow threading is becoming more common. Eyebrow threading is where a piece of thread is twisted and then used to pick up a section of hair and remove it. Threading if done correctly will leave you with a very clean, precise browline.

Tweezing eyebrows is the cheapest and easiest way to go. If you are not sure what to be tweezing you need to take a good look at your eyes. Any hair that extends past your eye socket should be removed. Brush your eyebrows first with a brow comb to remove any dead skin and to help lift up the unruly hairs that might go unnoticed. Start with removing the hair between your brows first. Stretch the skin tight and only remove one hair at a time., pulling it quickly in the direction of the hair growth. Then move to above the brows. Do not tweeze too much, or you will ruin your natural arch. Carefully remove any strays that take away from the natural arch. When that is done, move to the underneath part. Brush the hairs up again and tweeze the hair so you will have a nice, smooth line. Do not take out too much hair. If you do happen to overpluck, fill in with a matching eyebrow pencil. You will eventually get the hang of it.

If you decide to wax your eyebrows a few things you must know. If you have sensitive skin do not try. You can but it may lead to a very bad irritation. It is best to have this done professionally but if you are brave you can try it at home. Brush the eyebrow with an eyebrow comb. Apply witch hazel to the skin right under the brow. It is very important to be very careful and not get anything close to or in your eye. Use a professional waxing kit, one designed or has instructions for eyebrows. Read the directions thoroughly. It will hurt. It is a very tricky process to remove just a little bit at a time. It is really best left to the professionals.

See also  A Beginner's Guide to Applying Eyebrow Pencil

Threading eyebrows is done professionally. Do not attempt this at home. It is costly but it is worth it if you want a clean, precise line.

Eyebrows are tricky and do require upkeep. If you do run short on time and your brows aren’t what they should be, here is a quick tip. Brush the eyebrow hair upwards with an eyebrow comb. Trim away any long, wild strands with a small pair of scissors. Next swipe on a clear gel to hold your brows in place, plus this will add some definition to them. Excess little stubble, just swipe on a luminous concealer, blend and you are good to go.