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Generic Fosamax Now Available

Fosamax, Merck

Generic Fosamax officially became available to patients on February 13th, 2008. Fosamax will now be available in various strengths in a generic version. Fosamax, a drug manufactured by Merck Pharmaceuticals, headquartered in Whitehouse, New Jersey, is used to treat osteoporosis. The main patent for Fosamax, held by Merck, expired February 12, 2008, thereby making Fosamax eligible to be manufactured in generic version. Osteoporosis is a bone thinning disease that weakens and thins bone if left untreated. It strikes many women during their post menopausal years and cannot be cured. However, the disease is often effectively managed and stabilized through the use of drugs classified as alendronate sodium, a bisphosphonate. Although not as common, men can also suffer from osteoporosis.

Cost Savings
The news about generic Fosamax is eventful because it costs less than prescription Fosamax. For a month’s supply of four 70 mg tablets the cost with insurance could very likely range between $75 and $85. Over the course of a year, one pays nearly $1000 for the medication. Some insurance companies mandate that the patient pay a yearly deductible before getting a reduced price. With the new calendar year, you again will be saddled with the required deductible. When I recently called our local pharmacy, the pharmacist stated that generic Fosamax 70 mg would be available at a cost of $15 for four tablets which is a month’s supply when taken once weekly.

Several Pharmaceutical Companies to Take Lead in Selling Generic Version
According to the February 7, 2008 edition of The Home News Tribune, Trenton, New Jersey, two giant pharmaceutical manufacturers plan to sell generic Fosamax. These two companies, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd. and Barr Pharmaceuticals are immediately planning to offer generic Fosamax. According to The Home News Tribune Merck, too, will be making a generic version of Fosamax to be distributed by Watson Pharmaceuticals located in California. Watson Pharmaceuticals plans to sell generic Fosamax under the chemical name of alendronate sodium in 35 and 75 milligrams dosages. Merck will receive an undisclosed amount of the profits. The other two pharmaceutical companies, Barr and Teva, will begin offering generic Fosamax in dosages ranging from 5 milligrams to 70 milligrams. The generic versions will combat osteoporosis by hampering the natural breakdown of bone and help strengthen bone. It is important to note that Merck’s Fosamax D drug is still patent protected and is not available as a generic.

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How to Properly take Generic Fosamax
When taking generic Fosamax you are advised to take it on the regularly scheduled day and if a dosage is missed, take it as soon as possible but do not take two dosages at once. Fosamax must be taken with at least a 6-8 oz glass of plain water without chewing or sucking the Fosamax tablet. Once the medication is taken, do not lie down for at least 30 minutes after taking the medication. If severe heartburn or indigestion is experienced, notify your physician at once.
Osteoporosis cannot be cured but the progressive symptoms can be managed effectively with medication, diet, exercise and bone density tests.

http://www.thnt.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080207/NEWS03/802070504 containing article entitled:
Three generic versions of Fosamax now offered to osteoporosis patients by Linda A. Johnson The Associated Press Home News Tribune Online 02/7/08
