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Gardener’s Guide to Fast Growing Fruit

Exotic Fruit, Growing Fruit

Some of the best plants to grow are fruit plants. Most people prefer fruit to vegetables. Fruit is like natures candy. The one advantage that vegetables has over fruit though is that most vegetables are grown in a year or less. Unfortunately most fruits take years before they will give you any fruit at all. Even most small berry bushes require at least a couple of years before they will start to produce fruit for you. For the gardener who has little patience and wants to see the fruit of his labors as soon as he can this it tough. The good news is that there are a few rare kinds of fruit that you can get that will give you fruit in as little as a one year. If you want to find out what these fruit are and where to get them you will have to read on.

You may be surprised to find that these kinds of fruit are often trees not bushes. Some fruit that you can grow that will produce fruit in a year include the dwarf pomegranate, guava, and papaya. Health food fans will be familiar with these fruits especially the pomegranate because they are often called super foods for their high nutritional value and all their healthful effects. In reality you may not get fruit from all these dwarf trees in one year it may take two or three years depending on how well you take care of the tree and where you live. These trees do well in warmer climates but are very hardy so they can survive in winter weather. The pomegranate may take more then a year but some of these fruits like the papaya may take less then a year before bearing fruit under ideal conditions.

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Besides bearing fruit so quickly since they are dwarf plants you can grow them indoors and they will not get to big. Even if you live somewhere very cold you can grow them if you do so inside. The size the plants will grow will depend on the size of the pot. Most of these plants can grow in only a 1 gallon pot. If you give them a larger pot they will grow larger. Most grow between 1-4 feet in height.

Being dwarf you might think that the fruit would also be dwarf. For some fruit like the pomegranate the fruit is smaller but taste the same. Most of these trees though such as the papaya, lemon, and guava though do produce full size fruit. It might seem hard to grow these exotic kinds of fruit but these are actually easy plants to grow.

You may have a hard time finding these trees. Thanks to the Internet though it should not be as hard as it used to be. You can find either seeds online on sites like on amazon or eBay but you can also find ones that are already grown which will cost more but save you time. While these seeds are kind of rare they are not to expensive. Often postage will cost you more then the seeds.

Dwarf trees are a great way to get some fruit bearing plants quickly. The avid gardener will enjoy taking care of them inside in the winter when other plants will not grow. You do not need to be an avid gardener to grow these plants or to enjoy the great fruit they will bear year after year for you starting in that first year.