Articles for tag: Easy to Grow Plants, Houseplants

Karla News

Houseplants – Dieffenbachia or Dumb Cane

The dieffenbachia came by the common name “dumb cane” due to the fact that animals that chew on this plant’s leaves find their vocal cords temporarily frozen, rendering them “dumb” for a short period of time. Perhaps this explains why every dog and cat I have ever owned have avoided my dieffenbachias like the plague. ...

Karla News

How to Grow Spider Plants

Spider Plants, also known as a Ribbon Plant, are stunning plants that reproduce themselves in a decorative form. This guide will teach you how to grow Spider Plants as well as how to care for them. Everything you need to know to grow a beautiful Spider Plant is listed below. Scientific Name: Chlorophytum Common Names: ...

Karla News

Easy Garden Vegetables for the Beginning Gardener

There are so many benefits to having your own vegetable garden. Not only is the produce much more tasty than anything you can find in the grocery store, it’s packed with much more nutrition, and can help stretch a grocery budget by a significant degree. For parents whose children are fussy eaters, gardening is a ...

Karla News

Houseplants: Prayer Plant

This popular houseplant derives its name from the fact that the leaves fold together at night like hands in prayer. The prayer plant is coveted for its interesting foliage. It is a native of the tropical rain forests of Brazil, which might lead you to believe that the prayer plant is difficult to grow as ...

Karla News

Pre-Planned Gardening Designs

For the beginning gardener, or the veteran with little time to produce a brand-new garden from scratch, a pre-planned garden design can be the way to go. These kinds of pre-planned gardening designs take the guess-work out of selecting plants that will work well together and create a beautiful, professional-looking garden. Pre-planned gardening designs come ...

Karla News

Five Easiest to Grow Perennials

Most people would like to have a garden, but many either don’t have the time to tend a flower garden or have no idea where to start. Never fear: there are easy perennials to your rescue! These plants work well for the busy gardener or the beginning gardener alike. The plants I’ll describe here are ...