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Fun Fall Crafts for You and Your Toddler

Fall Crafts

If you have a child between the ages of 18 months and 3 years, you can understand how much they LOVE to do crafts and other paper activities. I know my children scream with excitement when I pull open the craft drawer full of paper, markers, construction color sheets, cardboard rolls and all sorts of other crafting items. They love to glue, paint and decorate anything they can! I try to take advantage of every holiday with some creative craft ideas to keep them busy and to help them learn about the importance of every holiday we celebrate.

Fall is commonly celebrated as the harvest season, autumn and Halloween. While we do not celebrate Halloween in our house, there are so many other reasons to celebrate this season. We focus on the fall harvest and preparation for winter and the Thanksgiving festivities.

One fun Thanksgiving paper craft that is simple for young children is to make a paper hand turkey. These turkeys have been completed by children for many generations passed. Allow your child to pick out their favorite color of construction paper; brown, yellow or orange work the best for the season, but anything will do! Trace their hand, or your hand depending on the size you desire. Then cut out the hand, decorate the thumb as the turkey’s head and the fingers as the turkeys feathers. This finished product will make any child feel proud and look great on a grandparent’s, aunt’s, or uncle’s refrigerator.

Pumpkin carving or decorating is of course a favorite fall activity amongst young children. They love getting their hands into the center of that pumpkin and pulling all the seeds and fleshy material out. Allow them to guide you as you paint the pumpkin, or just let them paint as they choose. They will definitely take pride in their decorated pumpkin and demand you save the squash for years to come!

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Every child loves playing in a fallen leaf pile in the crisp afternoons of fall. While looking through the leaves, why not ask your child to pick a favorite leaf to press. A pressed leaf can excite almost any child. Look for a leaf that is still moist and not crumbly. Red, orange and yellow brightly colored leaves work the best as a leaf to press. Find a large book, or dictionary to place the leaf in. Leave the leaf in the press for a few days, and then remove it. The leaf will be nice and flat. You can then frame the leaf, or preserve it by painting modge podge on both sides. Your child’s leaf will become a treasure to them!

Another idea for using fallen leaves is to make a picture frame. Find an old frame that you are not using and you do not plan to use. A 5 by 7 frame works well, or a 4 by 6 works great too. Have your child pick out some colorful leaves from outside. Make sure they choose only freshly fallen leaves so they are not too brittle. You can even pull off some colorful leaves from a tree for this craft. You will need some craft glue or Modge Podge. Wrap the leaves around the picture frame and cover them with the Modge Podge. This will seal the leaves and create a finished frame. You can also purchase a simple frame mat to decorate and just tape a picture on the back. Why not try to get a cute picture of your child playing in the leaf pile to complete the project!

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All this talk about fall crafts makes me want to get started on some fun activities for my kids. Crafting develops hand eye skills and creativity in your child. Never underestimate the importance of crafting with your children; it will set a life-long standard of fun for your children and many great memories for you all!