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Free, Printable Calendars for Kids

Calendars, Free Printable Calendars

It seems that kids spend their entire childhood looking forward to going somewhere, whether it is a trip to Disneyland, an upcoming a play date, or a doctor’s appointment. Many young kids love having things to do and places to go, and could make good use of their own free, printable calendar this Christmas. Just think about the last time you went to Wal-Mart. Was your youngster content to sit at home, or did she beg you to take her along? Or perhaps your son knows he’s going to visit a friend in a few days. Does he constantly bug you about whether or not it’s time to leave? While young kids may not be old enough to read or write, they can count. A free, printable calendar is a great way to mark their important dates, show them how to count down each day and hopefully provide you with a reprieve from having to keep them up-to-date on the status of upcoming events.

Free, Printable Calendars for Kids

While there are dozens of basic, free calendars available online, not all are geared with kids in mind. You can of course, color or decorate them once they’ve printed, if you’re crafty. Otherwise, look no further than these two websites for kid-friendly, calendars that you can print and wrap for Christmas in minutes.

Calendars for Kids at Dltk.com

Dltk.com is an excellent resource for teachers, parents, babysitters and kids. Find free, printable, monthly or yearly calendars through 2019. Choose from seven languages, including Spanish, French, German, Italian, Latin and Dutch, in addition to English. This is a particularly neat feature if your youngster is learning another language (or you’d like him to be). Choose from dozens of themes, including holidays, religious, animals, princesses, candy and cartoon characters such as Dora the Explorer and Sponge Bob. Or use your own pictures, such as your kid’s favorite pictures. Or find images online of her favorite cartoon character. Once you’ve found the image, click on it. Then right click and save it to your computer. Then upload it to Dltk.com. Select the month and create your printable calendar. Do a print preview to ensure it will fit on the page and then print. Repeat for each month, using a different image. Write in special dates like family member’s birthdays.

See also  Create Your Own Calendar in Word for Mac

Calendars for Kids at Kidsturncentral.com

If you’re not particularly savvy when it comes to adjusting online, here find 12 basic, free calendars for kids with a different animal graphic for each month. Simply click on a month and print. Repeat for each month.

Calendars for Kids at Freeprintablebehaviorcharts.com

Here find more than a dozen popular kid’s cartoon characters. However, currently, you can only print month-to-month, up to three months out.

For longevity, print your kid-friendly calendars on cardstock. Then line them up and punch a hole along the top. Insert a ring so that your child can easily flip to the next month. Spruce up the printable calendar by designing a fun title page.