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Free Canning Jar Labels

Bacon Grease, Canning Food, Pickyourown

Being The Frugal Fraulein that I am, I wanted some canning labels to print for free. I have some large glass jars that store dried goods to label and hundreds of filled canning jars. I went fishing for free. Free is my favorite word.

I store all my dried goods, rice, beans, pancake mix, baking mix and most anything that comes out of cardboard or plastic bags in glass containers. It reduces the opportunity for bugs to enter goods and the food lasts longer because there is less moisture and oxygen exposure.

Large pickle jars are superb for storing dried goods. I find them free at grocery stores that sells deli goods, restaurants, hospital kitchens, school cafeterias and at yard sales. I have never bought them new and have never paid more than 50 cents for one.

I also save spaghetti jars, pickle jars, mayo jars that are glass and plastic. While the plastic ones are not my favorites, they do work well. I use them in the pantry and in the garage and craft room to save all sorts of small things. They are really useful and helpful because you can see the contents of the jars.

I also save the lids of supermarket jars because some of them will fit the tops of canning jars and are great to reuse to contain leftovers or send goodies home with guests.

I simply keep a box with used jars in the garage and go get one the right size when needed. Mr. Man likes to use the jars for his bacon grease. We keep one jar in the refrigerator for bacon grease that can be added to recipes (I know sounds gross but it helps when you are making baked beans or need a little flavorful grease in the bottom of the fry pan when frying something). The other jar sits on the counter next to the stove and is thrown away when full. Ok, ok I hear you and can see you shaking your head and rolling your eyes. I have not found a good way to recycle the bacon grease/fat. If you have a suggestion, please let me know!

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Here are the label sites I found. Some are free and a couple might have a minimal charge. One other tip is to let friends who work in offices know you will take their leftover pages of mailing labels so they don’t just throw them away. Often a sheet is partially used and the rest of the sheet that has just a few labels is discarded. I collect those sheets and just set up my computer to print on those spots. Hey, saves me having to buy label sheets!

Here are the label sites I found. There are a wide variety and selection of labels in this collection and there are ideas for gifts using labeled jars. I am not connected in any way to these sites and will not benefit in any way by having you visit them. Good luck finding just the right label to decorate your jars!











