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Five Simple Home Remedies to Cure Acne

Home Remedies for Acne, Tighten Skin

Most people associate acne with teenagers who are going through puberty; however it is very common for these skin blemishes to carry over into adulthood. Over the counter acne treatments, and prescription medications for break outs, can become very costly, especially when you are purchasing these items month after month.

The good news is that there are many home remedies for acne that are safe, and require products you have in your home already. And while not every single remedy will work for every single person, odds are one of these remedies will work for you, if you give it enough time. Here are five simple, easy, and affordable home remedies for acne that you can try:

1.) Egg White

Egg white is a mild astringent, meaning it can help tighten skin, and contains some anti-inflammatory proteins. When you first see the signs of a break out occurring, crack open an egg and separate the yoke from the white (just like you would do if you were baking a cake). Wash your face with a mild soap, and then apply the egg white to your problem area using a cotton ball.

2.) Vinegar

Over the years people have found vinegar to be an especially useful ingredient in many home remedies. Now, the acid that vinegar contains has been found to be a great way to “dry up” break outs. Try soaking a cotton ball in Apple Cider vinegar, and gently dabbing it on your face. It is common to feel a mild tingling or burning sensation, but it should never feel more than mild, and should only last a few seconds. If you find that it seems to burn a lot, or continues to sting for an extended period of time, wash your face with a mild soap, and move on to another remedy. Your skin may be too sensitive for this home remedy.

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3.) Lemons

If you aren’t the kind of person that stocks vinegar (and let’s face it, not everyone likes vinegar), then search your cabinets and refrigerator for lemons or even lemon juice. Just like vinegar, lemon juice contains acid that is great for drying up acne blemishes, but doesn’t (usually) burn like vinegar. You can either cut up a fresh lemon into slices, and rub the slices onto your face, or squirt the lemon juice onto a cotton ball, and rub it on your face that way. Just be sure to avoid the eye area.

4.) Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a natural astringent that contains beneficial proteins, and it is used in many different beauty products. But most people don’t realize that oatmeal is great for clearing up acne, without the other added ingredients. Just grab some plain oatmeal, and prepare it according to its packaging instructions. Let the oatmeal cool completely. Once it is cool, spread it evenly on your face, and cover with a clean, damp wash cloth. Let the mix and the cloth sit on your face for 15 minutes, and then wash it off. This home remedy is great for anyone, even those with sensitive skin. Most people who try this remedy say their acne is completely gone within one to two weeks, when they do this daily.

5.) Baking Soda

Many people would overlook using baking soda as a treatment for acne. However, baking soda is great for drying up the oil you have on your skin, and speeds up the healing of existing acne, as well as prevents new blemishes from forming. Since baking soda is mild, this remedy can also work for those who have sensitive skin. Mix a small amount of water with the baking soda, so that it creates a paste. Smear the paste on your entire face, avoiding your eyes of course, and let it sit for 15 minutes. Simply wash off when done.

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It is best if you clean your face with a mild soap and warm water to open your pores, before using any of these remedies.

Of course, you can reduce your chances of breakouts by ensuring you are drinking plenty of water, and avoiding sugary foods and drinks, such as sodas. Stress is also a leading cause of adult acne, so try to avoid any stressful situations that you can, and learn some stress relieving techniques to help cope with the unavoidable stresses you face.