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Five Fun Ways to Recycle Paper

Homemade Paper, Recycle Paper

Sometimes paper can make you unhappy. It may be an overdue bill or a failed calculus exam, or maybe just a paper cut. While you may want to burn that failed calculus exam or bill, hold off. If the backside of the paper is blank, good may still come out of bad. There are many ways to recycle paper, and some are more fun than just tossing the paper into the recycling bin.

1. Practice your origami

With tutorials like this one on youtube, anyone can make a paper creature. All it takes is a little time, a little dedication, a little patience, and oh yeah, a piece of paper (and maybe scissors)! Not only is origami supposed to lighten the burden of depression, but it is also relaxing (if you don’t get frustrated). Besides, who wouldn’t want a cute little paper crane on the corner of their desk or edge of their windowsill?

2. Hang the Man

Sometimes life leaves you in situations where you have a copious amount of time but nothing to do. That is why God (or man) invented hangman. Hangman is the perfect two-person game to play on car (train, or plane) rides. Merely draw the little hanging post and blank spaces, and before you know it, it’s an onslaught of verbalized letters, and everyone is having fun (except maybe the hanged).

3. Make a Decision

All you need is a pen and that magic P word. Paper! Take your nice blank sheet of paper and draw a circle. The size of the circle does not matter. Write “yes” at the top of the circle and “no” at the bottom. Also, add a dot in the very center of the circle. This is a game that draws on your subconscious desires. Dangle the pen over the centered dot. Ask basic questions like “Is my name Tess?” or “Is Christmas in December?” If your name is Tess, the pen should inch towards yes. If not, then it should inch towards no. Try some more questions until you feel comfortable. Then, ask the big stuff like “Should I eat pizza for lunch?” and “Is my neighbor a vampire?” Life is full of tough questions, but many times we already know the right answer. We just have to know how to find it.

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4. Self-Recycle

Bypass ye olde recycling bin. This is not that kind of recycling. This is do-it-yourself recycling. What you will need: lots of paper scraps (preferably of different weights, textures, and colors), a blender, water, a frame, window-like screen, tacks, and a sponge. Follow these instructions, and you will have your very own homemade paper at no cost and no waste!

5. Feed a Bonfire

Sometimes you really can’t have it all. If you have tried the above paper options with very unsatisfying results, then really, there’s only one thing to do. Have a bonfire, and make paper the sacrifice! This is especially enjoyable with marshmallows and friends.

While the above focus on different recycling options, many of them (except the last suggestion) will still leave you with paper at the end. Instead of crunching up the paper and tossing it in the garbage with banana peels and egg cartons, why don’t you toss that good old used paper in the recycling bin? Save a tree or two, or even just a branch. At least, you’ll be saving something.

If you need any more reasons to recycle paper, see here.