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Five Creative Ideas for Decorating with Balloons

With summer quickly approaching you probably already have a lot of party plans for the summer. Whether you are attending a party, co-hosting a party, or throwing it completely on your own, you are probably in need of some ideas. One inexpensive way to decorate is by using balloons If you are not hosting sharing your ideas with others is also a good way to help out. The best way to get started is by sketching out your ideas on paper first. This is especially important when it comes to balloon decorations. Below are five ways that you can get creative with balloons.

1. Decorate your tables
When it comes to decorating your tables try to focus on maintaining your theme colors. Your balloons should match nicely. Some choose to blow up their balloons half way so that they can make small table decorations. You can even place the partially blown up balloons inside of a vase and add a little ribbon to the vase.

2. Make balloon columns
At first glance you may think that making a balloon column is going to be a difficult job. The fact is, it does not have to be. With a little bit of planning you can make balloon columns which can be placed in the doorway of your party. It is a nice way to add color to a plain entryway. Just try to avoid putting the columns all in one color. Mixing up the colors a bit really makes them stand out.

3. Miniature Balloon trees
I have often seen the balloon trees on a very large scale at weddings. They can be just as nice however as table decorations. You will basically only be blowing the balloons up part of the way so that they stay small and then arranging them on top of a stick to make it look like a tree. You can cover over the stick by curling the balloon ribbon around. it.

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4. Something extra for the chairs
Adding a special touch to each chair is also a nice way to decorate for a party, especially if you will not be having tables. Some choose to have more of a buffet style party if they are using a smaller space. Tying a few balloons to each chair is a great way to decorate. Just make sure that the balloons are floating high enough so that the person sitting in the chair is not constantly getting hit in the head. Also trim up the ribbon so that it is not in anyone’s face.

5. Make fun characters
The next step would be to make fun balloon characters. This is really a nice way of decorating a kids party. To make balloon characters you will need a certain type of balloon that can be manipulated at twisted around. You tube is a great place to visit to get step by step instructions on how to make different characters yourself. Or you can click here to find out just how easy it is to make balloon characters.