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First Response Home Pregnancy Tests: Detailed Reviews

First Response, Home Pregnancy Test, Pregnancy Tests

When my husband and I were trying to start a family, one of the first things I did was research on home pregnancy tests. Like many women I wanted to know at the earliest possible moment if I was pregnant.

I found out that home pregnancy tests measure the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. According to fertilityplus.org, First Response Early Results home pregnancy test detected a smaller amount of hCG than most other tests. First Response has three home pregnancy tests available: Early Results, Gold Digital, and Rapid Response.

First Response Early Results home pregnancy test is the most sensitive, cost effective, $12.95 for two tests, and simplest to use out of the three tests. It is rated the best home pregnancy test by Consumer Search. According to consumersearch.com, Early Results pregnancy test even detected an hCG level as low as 6.3 mIU. A woman can take the test up to five days before her expected period.

First Response.com claims that this test can detect hCG 69% of the time 4 days before a missed period. These results increase by the day: 80% at three days, 90% at two days, and 94% one day prior to an expected period.

After reading the reviews, I decided to buy the two-pack of the Early Results test. I used one test eight days before my expected my period because I was experiencing some common pregnancy symptoms. I didn’t expect the test to detect any hCG and fully expected a negative result, but I got a positive result within three minutes. I didn’t believe it was possible and used the second test. I got the same result when I tested my urine two hours later.

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Since this pregnancy test uses a two-line system, there are a couple of disadvantages. The line on the left side of the viewing window is the test. The line on the right is the control. The control line should always be visible because it makes certain that the test is working accurately. If that line is not visible, you have to take a new test. If the line on the left side of window appears after three minutes, the test is positive and you are pregnant. If there is no line after three minutes, the test is negative. However, after as little as ten minutes, occasionally a line appears in this area. The test is void after ten minutes because of a line called an “evaporation line”. As the urine evaporates, a line might be displayed, this line is not accurate. Your test is still negative.

The First Response Gold Digital Pregnancy test is more expensive, $19.99 for two tests, but incredibly user friendly. You activate the test when you remove the cap. If you replace the cap, without using the test, the test will reset itself until you are ready to use it. The display is a simple “yes” for pregnant, or “no” for not pregnant. A blinking clock is displayed while the test is in progress. Your results will be displayed for 30 minutes after the test is performed. If a question mark appears in the view screen, an error has occurred and you need to use a new test.

The Gold Digital test detected the hCG hormone in 58% of pregnant women 4 days before their expected period. This number also increased with each day and was the same percentage on three, two, and one days as the Early Results home pregnancy test.

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When I used this test, I opted to use a small plastic cup to capture the urine. I didn’t want to risk ruining the digital test with bad aim. I put the absorbent tip in the urine for five seconds. A blinking clock was displayed for only two minutes before a “yes” appeared on the screen. I took this test four days before I expected my period.

Results from the Early Results and Gold Digital tests take about three minutes. Those minutes can seem like an eternity. For prospective new mothers, a faster test is available: First Response Rapid Results Pregnancy test. The price for this test is the same as the Early Results test, but the test is not as sensitive. First Response recommends using this test the first day after a missed period. This test works the same as the Early Results test and has the same disadvantages.

First Response has three different tests available to ensure that its consumers will find the one test that is perfect for her needs.
