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Females Beginning Menstrual Cycles at Unusually Early Ages Might Be at Higher Risk for Breast Cancer

Antibiotic Use, Female Hormones, Menstrual Cycles

If you’re an older adult you probably remember when you were younger, most females appeared “different” at that time. Young women, for the most part are beginning their menstrual cycles at a younger age today. Why is this? What are we doing differently today than what was done then?

There have been many debates against the reasoning behind this early development. Many parents of young women today might find themselves wondering “When is this going to stop?” or “Is this safe for my child to be developing this way?” We need to bring more awareness to this topic to come to a more solid conclusion on the matter. Medical professionals should put more effort into the research of this case. After all, these women will be our future. We need to have more concern about health issues that can surround these developments.

Herman-Giddens, P.A., Dr. P.H., University of North Carolina School of Public Health stressed her concerns about this issue. She states, “We need more data about the timing of pubertal development. We need ongoing cross-sectional data in order to track trends among different cultural groups, and we need more longitudinal studies.”

Some of the results from research have found that the impact of sexual content in the media may have an affect on young women. Herman-Giddens says, “Some studies indicate exposure to erotica raises sex hormones in adults. This could possibly be connected to the increasing level of female hormones in young girls too, and is possibly connected to their earlier pubertal development.” Stress has been shown to also have an affect. Homes where the father is not present can be especially stressful and may affect the pace of puberty. Some other factors include obesity and additive hormones. This generation is not getting enough exercise, some schools have stopped P.E. classes, children are glued to the television, they are eating more junk foods and drinking more sodas than ever before. Our kids are getting too many calories and too much protein, the same thing done to livestock to help them mature and grow faster. Breast cancer has increased a whopping 15% in females over the past 20 years due to obesity. Be concerned about what our children are eating. Numerous foods and drinks contain growth and bio-active sex hormones which may be affecting growth development in our young women. To avoid these products, call the company and inquire about additives being used. Another alternative is to buy organic products, however this can be quite expensive. A final study has shown that antibiotics may play a part in this development. Herman-Giddens expresses, “Some children receive a great deal of antibiotics for such things as ear infections. Since antibiotic use is linked to growth enhancement in animals, what is it doing in children?”

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Studies to date have confirmed that menstrual cycles in teen females is beginning at younger ages and has been continuing to decrease in age over the past 20 years. More research of pubertal development is extremely important for many reasons, one of these high risk factors being linked to increased breast cancer rates. This is a waving red flag for both parents, concerned friends, family and should be brought to awareness in all households.
