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Fabulous DIY Spa Party Invitations

Party Invitations, Spa Party

Spa party invitations should put guests in the mood for your luxurious and relaxing spa party. There is no better way to do this than personalizing your spa party invitations by making them yourself. Follow these DIY invitation ideas for a spa party to create inviting and original spa party invitations.

DIY Invitation Ideas for a Spa Party: Free Printables
Internet connection
Paper or card stock
Color printer
Glitter and other embellishments

For the easiest DIY spa party invitations, use free printable invitation sites. One such on-line site, that has spa party invitation templates, is HoverWebDesign.com.

Using a color printer, print the spa party invitations off on computer paper or card stock. Both can be purchased at an office supply store. Card stock will hold up better, if you are planning to embellish your spa party invitations.

After printing your spa party invitations, fold it in half. Use a ruler to get a straight fold. Run your hand over the fold, until the card will stay closed on its own.

Purchase glitter and other embellishments from a dollar store. Walmart has self-adhesive stickers that look like rhinestones, that can be purchased for around $2 a sheet. Glue you embellishment to your spa party invitations, to give them extra personalization and style.

Take a finished invitation with you when shopping for an envelope. This will insure that you purchase the right size envelope for your spa party invitations.

DIY Invitation Ideas for a Spa Party: Scrapbook Style
Card stock
Scrapbook Stickers

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The key to these fun and interesting spa party invitations, is to purchase supplies in coordinating colors. This will give your spa party invitations a more professional and cohesive look. Scrapbook stickers can be purchased at scrap-booking stores, dollar stores or WalMart. Scrapbook stickers you will need to purchase for this invitation are lettering and beauty inspired stickers.

Fold your card stock in half, using a ruler.

On the inside of the invitations, write the specifics of your spa party. Include party time and location. Include any items that your guests might need to bring to the spa party, such as robes or beauty products.

On the face of your spa party invitations, arrange your scrap-booking stickers to form your wording. This can say something as simple as “Spa Party,” “Time to Relax,” or an original phrase. Glue stickers to the card stock, to insure that they will stay on.

Judiciously glue your picture stickers on the invitation. The idea is to embellish upon the spa party theme, not clutter or overwhelm the invitation. Use scissors to trim the stickers, if necessary.

Take the final invitation with you to an office supple or greeting card store, to get the perfect fit.

These spa party invitations will be ready-made for your guests to place in their scrapbooks. Encourage them to take pictures at the spa party, so they have memorable images to fill the page.

DIY Invitation Ideas for a Spa Party: Beauty Products
Beauty product
Colored paper
Hole Punch

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For these spa party invitations, shop for spa inspired Beauty products at dollar item stores, such as Dollar Tree. Example of these spa party beauty masks are clay face masks, eye masks or lotion. You will only need to purchase one item per invitation.

Purchase 8×11 colored paper at a craft or office supply store. Cut the longest edge of the paper into three strips. Fold these strips in half, to form your spa party invitations. Use a marker to write your spa party specifics on the inside of the card.

Using a hole punch, make a hole in the upper left corner of the card. This should be the upper corner closest to the fold.

Cut ribbon, purchased from a craft store, into six inch sections. Cut one ribbon section for each one of your spa party invitations. String the ribbon through the hole in your invitation card. Fit the ribbon securely around your beauty product. Tie it off in a tight knot, to ensure it remains around your beauty product. Play with leaving the ribbon ends loose or tying them in a cute bow. Go with whichever looks best on you completed spa party invitations.

This invitation idea for a spa party is a thoughtful gift, that will delight your guests. It is sure to put them in the mood for a fun and relaxing spa party.

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