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7 Ways to Heal Constipation Naturally

Bowels, Colon Health

What is Abnormal and Unhealthy Has Become the Norm

Most modern people are constipated. You are constipated if you don’t eliminate after every meal, and ESPECIALLY if you eliminate only once every few days or once a month. This is NOT normal at all. The buildup not only reabsorbs through the intestinal walls but also sends toxins through the bloodstream. The bloodstream, which should nourish the organs and glands with oxygen and life-giving nutrients, poisons them instead, setting one up for hormonal imbalance. The hormonal imbalances and blood sugar imbalances this causes, are then medicated by the regular doctors, and not seen for their root cause: a toxic bowel.

A normal bowel movement should slip easily out of the body within moments of sitting down. It is abnormal to have to sit and read a magazine or do any straining while trying to eliminate.

Complications of Constipation

Straining to eliminate puts stress on the heart and the hemorrhoidal veins, to name a couple things. Additionally, each organ and gland in the body has just enough space. If feces are not being eliminated on schedule, they build up and pack together against other organs in the body, seeping toxins all over them, and also causing damage from being too crowded. The word “constipation” comes from the Latin word “constipare”, which means “to press together.”

Questioning of Priorities

Many of us are fastidious about our homes and cars, dusting them, cleaning them, but we don’t take the same care of the insides of our bodies. This results in poor health. Everything we put on or into our body has to be detoxified through the body’s elimination channels, two of which are the liver and the colon. Why don’t we take the same fastidious care of the insides of our bodies as we do the THINGS in our lives? Is it because no one sees the inside of our bodies? Our bowels need maintenance, too, to keep running properly.

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Why Does Constipation Occur?

Modern processed food contributes to constipation through its altered nutritional content and its lack of fiber. The feces that remain, begin building up and creating pockets, called diverticuli. Toxins begin causing cells to mutate, and then polyps (growths) develop on the inside of the colon. The polyps may be benign at first, but they can turn cancerous. Colon cancer can also break away and damage other organs and spread. Colon cancer is the leader of all cancers. The sad thing is, is that it is totally preventable. We also don’t drink much water or exercise, and the colon notices that.

How Can We Stimulate Better Elimination?

By having more fiber in our diets through natural, unprocessed foods, especially more salads, and avoiding smooth and sugary processed foods, we can revolutionize our colon function. A toxic colon is the foundation of many degenerative diseases. Here is a list of 7 ways that you can begin cleansing your bowels and becoming more regular.

Ways to Get Your Bowels Moving:

1. Eat salads full of fibrous vegetables and greens (use a healthy dressing if you are not used to that.)

2. Drink enough water – 6-8 glasses a day

3. Adequate exercise – use life as exercise. Park farther away from the store entrance, and take the stairs when you can. Get outside even if just for a few minutes.

4. Use Dr. Schulze colon cleansers # 1 and # 2 (contains herbs) for some deep cleaning action, to remove buildup. http://www.nextag.com/dr-schulze/search-html (Check ebay and Amazon for good deals, too)

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5. Avoid processed food

6. Pick up some psyllium seed powder (NOT the hulls), from the bulk section of a local grocery store, and blend it with bananas (or other fruit) and milk.

7. Eat foods with a lot of chlorophyll. This could be greens, but it could also be chlorella, a Japanese superfood which stimulates colon peristalsis.

Don’t Ignore This – It Isn’t Going to Go Away

Realize that whether or not you can poop after every meal is important to all aspects of your life and health. If you think health food or caring for your bowels is expensive or time-consuming, try going to a hospital! If regular bowels are that important – if they affect so many different aspects of your health – then you should put at least as much effort into keeping them regular as you do earning the money for your health insurance every month. A regular bowel IS your health insurance. It ISN’T normal to be congested with poop, and those who think it is, are setting themselves up for degenerative disease caused by internal toxins.

So get out and walk, run, drink some water, eat something real that came from the earth. The best medicine is free- it’s already in front of us.

Research google for more ways to prevent and treat constipation.

DISCLAIMER: I’m not a doctor, and this is just educational information. See a qualified alternative medical practitioner for advice, not me.


The Colon Health Handbook: New Health Through Colon Rejuvenation, Twelfth Revised Edition, Robert Gray

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Healthier Harvest http://www.healthier-harvest.com/productusage.htm
