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Extreme Ultra Running Races


People all around the world run for pleasure or sport. Many are beginners and even fewer run marathons. Running tests your body and your mind in ways that not many other sports do. If you are an accomplished runner and you want to take it to a whole new level you might want to consider the world of Ultra Running. There are races beyond a 26.2 mile marathon? Yes there are. Here is a sample of just a few events that take place around the world.

1. Western States 100

The Western States 100 mile Endurance Run is one of the oldest trail runs. It follows the Western States Trail from Squaw Valley, California to Auburn, California. A good bit of the race is so remote that it is only accessible by horse, foot, or helicopter. This event occurs on the last weekend of June. The race begins at 5 am on Saturday and participants must complete the course by 11 am on Sunday. Western States began as a horse race. In 1974 a brave runner named Gordy Ansleigh proved that the course could be completed in 24 hours on foot. Over the years more and more runners joined the challenge until the Western States Endurance Run was created. This trail requires that all runners are physically and mentally trained and prepared for the relentless challenge. For that reason all participants must meet specific qualifying criteria and win entrance through the lottery.

2. Leadville Trail 100 (also known as Race Across the Sky or LT100)

The Leadville Trail 100 takes place in the beautiful Rocky Mountains near Leadville, Colorado. The coarse is quite difficult because the runners will experience an altitude difference of 15,600 feet. Unlike Western States, Leadville offers a first come first served policy on registration. The most prominent section of the race is the ascent of Hope Pass, 12,600 feet, on the way out and on the return home. The race is on surfaces of trail and dirt roads. Participants have 30 hours to complete the course.

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3. Badwater

Badwater has been called “the world’s toughest footrace” and for good reason. It takes place in July and runs 135 miles from Death Valley to Mt. Whitney, California. Temperatures can rise to 130 degrees. It is by far the most extreme and physically demanding race there is. It is also a challenge for the crews that support each of the 90 runners. It is their job to keep their runner moving forward and above all else, alive. The cut off time has just recently been changed from 60 hours to 48 hours. Due to the extreme conditions, Badwater does have rather strict qualification standards and even then entrance is offered by invitation only.

4. Lone Ranger 24 Hour Ultra

Experienced Ultra Runners can really test their endurance by participating in the Lone Ranger 24 Hour Event. Participants run a 8.4 miles around Philly’s Schuylkill River Running Loop over and over again to see how many miles they can accumulate in 24 hours. There is no minimum or maximum number of miles the runners can run but awards are only offered to those who finish at least 50 miles. Runners are allowed to stop at any point to rest, eat, and drink.

5. Copper Canyon Ultra marathon

The Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon was brought to the world’s attention through Christopher McDougall’s book, Born To Run. A more detailed history of this race can be found in that fascinating book. Copper Canyon is always the first weekend in March. Participants run alongside many of the local Taramahara (a.k.a. Running People) through the rugged and rocky Copper Canyon of Mexico. This 50 mile event takes place on dirt road and single track trail beginning and ending in the town of Urique.

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6. Antarctic Ice Marathon and 100K

If running extremely long races isn’t quite enough adventurous runners can take it to the South Pole for the Antarctic Ice Marathon and 100K. This event takes place at 80 degrees south, just a few hundred miles from the South Pole. It is the southernmost event in the world. It is so remote that runners cannot depend on spectators to cheer them on to the finish line. Only their fortitude will get them there. Even penguins don’t live this far south.The windchill can go as low as -20 degrees Celsius and the sun never sets. Runners will be running on ice and snow throughout the event. Even tougher racers can embark on the 100K (62.4 miles) event.


The Western States Endurance Run
Leadville Trail 100
Run 100s
Badwater Ultra marathon
Lone Ranger Ultra marathon
Copper Canyon Explorer
Antarctic Ice Marathon
