Articles for tag: First Marathon, Marathon Training, Running a Marathon, Training for a Marathon

What it Takes to Train for a Marathon

Training and preparations for a marathon can be a daunting task. Many questions can arise. There are common questions when running a marathon for the first time. Some of those questions are how long is a marathon, when the best time is to start training for a marathon, and which type of training produces the ...

Karla News

How to Prepare for Your First Marathon

It’s a cure-all for depression, a midlife crisis, and many other life events that leave you with a challenging time. Running is a great way to get in shape, but when you combine it with a specific goal of a marathon in mind, you’ll enjoy an even more rewarding experience! Before summer rolls around, many ...

Karla News

Beginner Marathon Training Plans

Do you have dreams of running a marathon? Have you been running for awhile and wish to take your training to the next level? Here are several marathon training plans that you can find online to choose from. Remember to listen to your body and take plenty of time to rest and recover throughout your ...

How to Run a Faster Marathon

If you are one of the over 300,000 people who completed a marathon last year, congratulations! The marathon requires planning, commitment and hard work in order to cross the finish line. For some, completing a marathon might have been the apex of your athletic life, and having finished it, maybe you vowed never to do ...