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Exploring Extreme Sports – Land Windsurfing

Skate Board, Vulcan

Land surfing is similar to windsurfing on the water. It is also called street sailing, grass sailing, or land boarding. Basically, you have a board with 4 wheels. The board has a place in the center for a mast with a sail. Usually mountain boards are used for practice. A mountain board is a board with four wheels that is used for surfing down a hill. It is similar to a skate board. The foot straps allow for riding on one tack. there are some boards though that allow for riding on both sides of the board.

The wheels on the front are swivel wheels to allow for steering. Many people use these boards to train for water windsurfing. It is very good for beginners to learn how to use the wind on land first. Land surfing can be done all year and needs as little as a 5mph wind to generate speed. A 10 mph wind is needed on hard sand though.

There are several maneuvers that can be learned in land surfing. They are Carve Gybe, Spock, and the Vulcan. The Carve Gybe is a skill where you change feet and flip the sail. This allows you to carve a turn. When on land, this is performed slower than when on the water. It is difficult to learn. It can be learned quicker on the water but, with practice it can be done on land. The Vulcan is poping the board and going into a 180 slide. You bounce off the back foot keeping the sail sheeted. (sheeting out sends the nose of the board up making it harder to do a 180). Sheeting in on initiating the maneuver sends you up and over the nose onto the new tact. You are now looking back at a new direction. Turn your body to face the new direction and drag the sail across your body. Place your hands on the side of the boom. The Spock is like the Vulcan. However as you are traveling backwards, you do a full 360 The first half is the same as the Vulcan. It helps if you start the move downwind. Drag the sail across your body and weight your heels. Both your weight and the sail will spend you half way around to 180. Then finish the move by flipping the sail. All three of these moves can be performed on water also.

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There are four main reasons for learning on land. There is less wind needed. You can step on and off quickly. The moves can be learned at a slower speed. You don’t need water. You can train in your own backyard. Once you have practice on land, the adjustment to water is quite easy. Many people prefer the safety of land also. You may not generate as much speed but, you can still have fun.

It is best to wear safety gear when land surfing. Knee pads, elbow pads, and even helmets are worn for protection. If you are on the sand in a windy area, glasses also come in handy. There are lots of places that offer competition. However, most just like to surf for fun.

A board costs about 750 dollars new. However, used ones can bought cheaper. Used boards though should be checked out before used. A lot of time there could be a need for new wheels or a sail.

Land surfing is considered to be a small renegade sport. It originated from ice sailing or sail skating on ice. There are some boards that are basically a frame with two wheels. A kite (sail) is held by hand. This is called Dirt surfer. Another method is called Kitewing. It is almost the same as a Dirt surfer except a wing is used to catch the wind. All three are considered a form of Land surfing.

Speed is determined by several factors. Wind, Grade, Equipment, Weight, and Sail all determine what speed can be reached. Although Land surfing is a relative new form of surfing it has been around for over 25 years.

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