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Everybody Needs a Disposable Underwater Camera

Waterproof Camera

Disposable cameras have enjoyed a lot of popularity over the years. They provide an inexpensive alternative to those who don’t take a lot of pictures and to kids who are just learning how to take pictures without the expense of a fancy film camera or equally expensive digital camera. The uses are endless really. From those with flash to zoom to underwater models, the disposable camera has found its niche in the market place and will continue to remain popular for as long as there is a need.

The underwater disposable cameras are fantastic for vacationers who are snorkeling or doing any kind of diving at all. It’s an excellent option to use instead of risking your expensive equipment in a waterproof case which, if it isn’t really waterproof, you will not only be very angry at losing your equipment but the memory of your trip will always be about the loss of the camera. Leave that risk to the professional photographers who are willing to spend that kind of money. For average families, it’s just not feasible to consider. The underwater disposable cameras are an inexpensive and really decent quality alternative that seems to be the answer to many people’s needs. You get your awesome memories, some great pictures and even with the price of having them developed, it’s the best way for you to preserve your water filled adventures!

Keep in mind that a disposable underwater camera is useful for more than underwater shots. When considering disposable cameras for your trip, consider an underwater camera to add to your list even if your trip doesn’t include any underwater adventures. Beach photos where water might spray, skiing adventures where wet snow may be an issue, on a boat in a lake, surfing, fishing, etc.

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These are also ideal to consider as an all-weather type of camera. Rain and snow are possibilities while on your trip so using a waterproof camera such as the underwater type will get you great shots without risking your regular camera. Again, while the underwater camera is waterproof from 15-50 feet underwater, they can also be used for every day. They are just a good idea because you might have an opportunity to get an underwater shot on the spur of the moment.

Most of these cameras come pre-loaded with 400 speed film and generally have 27 exposures. Depending on the brand, they can run upwards of $20 which isn’t bad at all when you consider the expensive equipment you are not risking. They are shock resistant and quite heavy duty and float. They are easy to grip and should be even if you are wearing gloves. They are small enough to fit in a pocket or beach bag. When choosing an underwater camera, be aware that they don’t all come with a flash. Read the packaging carefully to make sure you are getting the right one for your needs. If you are taking underwater shots with no flash, be sure the sun is behind you so that you are not getting a glare and that your pictures turn out to be of good quality.

Disposable cameras, in general, are good to have around. Keep one in your car, in your house and even in your emergency kit. Getting an underwater disposable camera will have you ready for anything. If you have storm damage, you can take photos for insurance purposes for example. In your car kit, it’s smart to have a disposable camera in case of accidents to take pictures of damage right away. The underwater camera will provide you with a way to do that in any weather.

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Any way you go, you should have a disposable camera at the ready for anything. That disposable camera should be an underwater one.