Karla News

Easing Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Fruit Bars, Pregnancy Books

Like many women, during all three of my pregnancies, I suffered from morning sickness. I was trying to eat as healthy as possible then one morning, I woke up and it hit me. The sight, smell, and even the thought of some things sent me running to the bathroom. Likely I discovered a few things that made the first few months more tolerable.

1. Avoid things that make you feel sick. Even if you known turkey is packed with protein, don’t try to eat it if it makes you sick. You aren’t doing any one any favors suffering through foods that trigger your nausea.

2. Eat small meals throughout the day starting before you even get out of bed. A low blood sugar level can make you feel sick. Keep it stable by eating frequently. I kept a bag of crackers or dry cereal by my bed and started the day off slowly. Rushing through the start of the day won’t save you anytime if morning sickness strikes.

3. Avoid fatty and spicy foods when you feel nausea. They irritate the stomach, increasing the amount of acid.

4. Eat foods with a high water content when you feel bad. Some foods that can help are melons, grapes, frozen fruit bars, and apples. I really loved eating an icy fruit bar or a morning sickness smoothie (recipe at the end of article).

5. Eat complex carbohydrates that release energy slowly, thus keeping your appetite satisfied. Some foods include rice, oatmeal, and pasta. With my second pregnancy the only thing that seemed to stay down was a baked potato.

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6. Make yourself eat. Even if you don’t feel like, eat something. Not eating will mean an acid filled tummy and low blood sugar that will only make you fill even worse.

7. Make a list of foods that comfort you. Don’t feel guilty about not having a big variety of foods. Once the morning sickness phase passes, you can be more adventurous and eat all the recipes in the pregnancy books. Focus on eating what you can.

8. If you have trouble taking your prenatal vitamins, ask your doctor about getting chewable prenatals. Take them with your biggest meal to help prevent nausea.

9. Try ginger. Ginger has been proven to help with an upset stomach. Try making ginger tea, adding ginger to meals, cookies, or a fruit smoothie.

10. Try Preggie Pops. These yummy lolly pops are made just for women with morning sickness. They keep the mouth moist and add quick calories. They have essential oils and aromatherapy in an easy to take form of a lolly pop. They are sold at many maternity clothing stores, online, and at some drugstores. They are easy to pack in your purse when morning sickness strikes while you are on the go.

11. If you have severe morning sickness and nothing seems to be working or staying down, call your doctor. Your OB/GYN can prescribe something that is safe for both you and your baby.

Morning Sickness Smoothie

• 3 cups dice watermelon

• 1 cup cantaloupe

• ½ cup strawberries

• 1 cup plain yogurt or vanilla

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• 2 cups of ice

• 1 tablespoon grated ginger

Blend well and sip slowly.
