Karla News

Does the “Special K” Diet Really Work!

Special K, Whole Milk

Many women have probably seen the commercial for Special K, where they tell you that you can lose inches off your waist just by eating their cereal three times a day. They claim that you can actually drop two jean sizes within two weeks. So basically what you’re supposed to do is replace some of your daily meals with their cereal. I was personally not sure whether or not this would work and if I would really lose some inches off of my waist. So I decided to give it a try. Well it worked and I ended up losing a lot more than just a few inches, it took off about five pounds within four weeks. Following is my daily meal schedule and my daily routine.

Every morning I would have a bowl of special K cereal, with regular whole milk. Then for lunch I would have another bowl of special K with whole milk. Then I would eat a normal dinner, such as pasta or pizza. If I had a daily craving for a snack then I would instead have a piece of fruit. In addition to doing this on a daily basis I also walked about once a day. This is one of the easiest ways to lose weight, and end up feeling great. If you visit the special K website located at www.specialk.com, you can find the information that you need in order to help you with your diet plan. I obviously did not follow this exactly since I only like to drink whole milk, but if you make sure to do some exercises at least once a day you can still lose five pounds in once month.

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The other thing that you need is a lot of self control. So many women are tempted by those office snacks, or those vending machines filled with junk that we just don’t need. If you however can control yourself, then you should have no problem losing the weight that you want. They even have an online journal where you can keep track of the progress you make. In addition they also have many other valuable tools that will help you to reach your weight loss goals. If you have not tried the special K diet then you should take the time to give it a try. You may be surprised with the results. You should even take the time to read some of the success stories that they have at the website. This will also serve as an encouragement for you as you try to reach your goal.