Articles for tag: Inflammatory Disease, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Can You Have Both Gonorrhea and Chlamydia?

Chlamydia and gonorrhea are two sexually transmitted diseases that, when left untreated, can lead to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Both of these bacterial STDs can be transmitted through vaginal sex, oral sex and anal sex. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are often grouped together because they are considered to be very similar, but many people do not ...

Karla News

Chronic Female Pelvic Pain

Each year, millions of females complain of chronic pelvic pain. In fact, pelvic pain ranks high among the reasons for visiting a physician. There are two types of pelvic pain. Chronic pain consists of long-standing discomfort that persists for an extended period. Acute pain begins suddenly and occurs when there is no history of previous ...

Karla News

Does a Tipped Uterus Cause Infertility?

According to the American Pregnancy Association, one of the symptoms of a tipped (or tilted) uterus is fertility problems. What many may not realize is that a tipped uterus itself is no longer believed to be a direct cause of infertility. Here are some of the things that women should know about the link between ...

Karla News

Teen Health: 5 Common Myths About STDs

Teens are often not well-informed about STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). So much information gets passed around and they often don’t ask questions. Many sexual education classes do not teach teens enough either, they just cover the basics and that’s it. Because of this many teens think that the five common myths about STDs are actually ...

Karla News

Gonorrhea- Treatable with Antibiotics

Gonorrhea, referred to in the slang as “the clap”, is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterium. People with gonorrhea often show no symptoms of the disease, but when they do they are different in women than in men. Men will experience an infection of the tube that carries sperm and urine known as ...

Karla News

Health Consequences of STDs That Are Exclusive to Women

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are something most women stop hearing about after high school and/or college, but it is important to know that the threat never goes away. These infections come with their own sets of signs and symptoms, but left untreated, they can also lead to serious health consequences. These consequences are often not ...