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DMG File Extension Information

The .DMG file extension, which stands for Macintosh Disk Image, is what the common Windows user might see as an .EXE file. There are differences between the two, however- and getting a .DMG file to work on Windows can be frustrating for many; although it is possible.

What is a .DMG File For?

A .DMG file is interesting in the sense that it can act as an .EXE file, or even a complete drive. Technically defined, the .DMG is a compressed disk file- much like an .ISO file for Windows users.

.DMG files have replaced the .IMG file type that was seen in previous versions of the Macintosh operating systems. The .DMG file type is primarily used to mount a virtual image onto a drive. We need this type of functionality often to mimic the effect of having a physical CD in a read drive. This is commonly used to get around CD requirements, which can load down an organization’s efficiency and waste resources.

The .DMG file extension is also commonly associated with video games. Most video games have protection enabled, that demands that a computer has a CD in the drive to run the game correctly. Those who have bought the game legally see this as an unnecessary and annoying feature- and thus, mounting a virtual image of the CD will allow it to be run regardless.

How to open .DMG File Extensions

The .DMG file extension is a virtual image, and therefore, we need an image mounting program to make use of the file. Several programs will do this, with a few in particular that specialize in this operation.

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Essentially there are three separate programs that may open a .DMG file extension: IsoBuster, UltraISO, and MagicISO. If you notice, each program contains the name “ISO.” This is because the common virtual image file extension for Windows is, in fact, the ISO.

Note that .DMG files were not made to run on Windows. Therefore, we must either convert the file type to another extension, or try to run the virtual image anyway. The easiest way, if you already have virtual image mounting software, is to simply convert the .DMG file to an .ISO file via special programs. DMG2ISO is one such program that can convert the .DMG file extension.

Otherwise, some programs will attempt to mount the .DMG file in Windows- such as the DAEMON Tools program. These programs simply have built-in code to emulate the necessary environment for the virtual image file to be run- meaning that no conversion software is necessary. And as DAEMON Tools is completely free, it’s not a bad solution at all.

Final Notes on the .DMG File Extension

The tricky part about any virtual image file is that it isn’t always easy to see what’s inside of it. Sometimes, the only way to find out is to install- and this is obviously a large security concern. If any type of virtual image file is going to be used, be sure to exercise common sense and invest in security software- such as an antivirus or antispyware tool.