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Different Ways to Get Rid of or Cover Up a Hickey

Cover Ups, Massage

Whether you got caught up in the moment, or didn’t even realize it was happening, most people will regret the telltale bruise of a hickey that they are left with after the fact.

If you want to try and get rid of a hickey as quickly as possible or at the very least make it less noticeable, here are some things you can try.

Apply Ice

Wrap ice in a paper towel and apply it as quickly as possible. This will help reduce the swelling and constrict the capillaries. It is very important that you do this as soon as possible, however or it will be too late. The minute you notice the mark, get to it.

Massage It

Just like any bruise you can try massaging it out to help break up the blood clots. Massaging it with a cold spoon (put in the freezer for a few minutes) can help make the bruise less noticeable. You can also try massaging it with a tooth brush which will apply more pressure than your fingertips alone.

Twist it Out

Unfortunately, this method could be a little painful but it seems to be very effective. You need to get a small cap (such as a lipstick cap, a blistex cap or a chapstick cap) and twist it into the hickey. By applying steady pressure and twisting this will work the blood from the bruise deeper into the skin. Again though, this should probably be used as a last resort or in times of desperation.

Use Tea Bags

Applying a warm moist tea bag can also help get rid of a hickey. Keep re-warming it and re-wetting the tea bags and applying until you see a significant change.

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Apply Toothpaste

For some people applying toothpaste to the area has been effective. Rub in some toothpaste, wait for it to dry, wipe it off with a warm cloth while massaging the area and try again. Otherwise apply the toothpaste before going to bed and leave on until morning.

Apply Vitamin K

Purchase Vitamin K that comes in a cream form and keep reapplying to the area. This can also help reduce the darkened skin and help the hickey heal quicker.

Hide It

If you are lucky enough to have received this telltale mark during the winter time, the easiest way to deal with it is to simply cover it up with a turtleneck or scarf until it has had time to heal.

Apply Cover Up Makeup or Concealer

Using concealer might be the best way to try to cover or hide a hickey. You might want to try and put a green eye shadow on the area first which will help neutralize the purplish bruise before applying the concealer. Pick a concealer that matches your skin tone as closely as possible. Do not go crazy on the application however, otherwise it might bring even more attention to the area. Also be sure to carry the eye shadow and concealer around with you so you can keep reapplying, because the makeup will eventually wear off.