Articles for tag: Best Diaper Cream, Desitin, Diaper Ointment, Diaper Rash Ointment, Zinc Oxide

Karla News

Homemade Remedies to Cure Acne

Acne is an age-old problem that has affected most all of us at one time or another. Acne is basically a skin condition that’s caused by a clogging of the pores and hair follicles. The clogged areas then become infected. The infection results in raised, red bumps. These bumps, which are called “Pimples” or “Zits”, ...

How to Make a Natural Diaper Rash Ointment

Even in natural product stores, the balms and lotions you buy will contain preservatives. This is necessary to prevent the growth of molds and bacteria, but these preservatives are also irritating to the skin themselves. Creating small batches of natural balm at home makes preservatives unnecessary – you will use the product up long before ...

Karla News

Biodegradable Sunscreen Products: Good for You and the Environment

Biodegradable Sunscreen Products are best not only for the consumer but also for the environment. They are a win wine situation. Be sure you know what you want. There is a difference between a sunscreen and a sun block. A sunscreen will absorb the suns rays and a sun block will repel them. Remember, they ...

Karla News

Diaper Rash Creams: Balmex VS. Triple Paste

During a week-long intestinal virus, my four-month-old daughter developed a nasty diaper rash that was seemingly unstoppable. It began as a light pink region, and over the course of a day was progressing to a dark red. I consulted a nurse at the pediatrician’s office, who recommended any diaper rash cream that contains zinc oxide. ...

Karla News

Earth’s Best Organic Sunblock Review

Summer time seemed to happily creep up to me last year and before I knew it I would need to be putting sun screen on my son who was just under a year old at the time. Despite looking at several different stores I was less than enthused at the selection of choices that I ...

Karla News

Best Natural Sunblock

Caring for your skin is very important, especially if you want to say younger looking longer. One of the most damaging things to your skin is the sun. That’s why it’s also important to invest in some good sunblock when you go outside. If you live in a tropical area like Florida, as I do, ...

Karla News

What is Mica, and Why is it in My Makeup?

When many people purchase mineral makeup, they aren’t really thinking about the fact that they’re buying a jar of ground up pigmented rocks. However, when you consider that people even in prehistoric times were using mineral pigments in a very similar way that we do today, it becomes obvious why you’re paying good money for ...

Karla News

Review of BurnOut Clean and Clear Zinc Oxide Sunscreen

I am always on the search for the perfect natural sunscreen. BurnOut Clean and Clear Zinc Oxide Suncsreen fit the bill is the closest I have found to a perfect natural free sunscreen. It is chemical free and only uses zinc oxide as the sunscreen ingrediet. It contains a high amount of zinc oxide — ...

Karla News

Ways to Keep Flies Away from Outdoor Dogs

My dog stays indoors most of the time. This is mainly because he turns tail and runs whenever he hears other dogs barking. He’s a shy little dog, and he doesn’t really enjoy staying outside for very long. Although my dog is an indoor dog, many people have outdoor dogs that stay outside most of ...