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Despicable Me Movie Quotes

The animated box office hit, Despicable Me, is a tale of a bad guy named Gru who is trying to make a comeback. When a young villain named Vector steals the pyramid, Gru and his friend, Dr. Nefario decide to follow Gru’s dream and steal the moon. But, in the process of carrying out his plan, Gru adopt 3 little girls to use to steal the shrink ray from Vector. In the end, Gru finds that his dream in life has changed due to Margo, Edith, and Agnes being in his life. It is a heartwarming story that is told in such a unique and funny way that whether you are a child or an adult you will laugh.

Here are some of the best quotes from the movie:

Agnes holding up a Cheeto : My caterpillar never turned into a butterfly

Dr. Gru:(said to Dr. Nefarious when he is being shown new weapons) I said dartgun not …. (as the minion falls over in a cloud of brown dust)

Edith: Are these beds made out of bombs?
Dr. Gru: Yes, but they are very old and unlikely to explode but I still wouldn’t toss and turn

Dr. Gru: Lightbulb !!! (said anytime he has an idea)

Gru: (reading to the girls from a pop-up book) “Three little kittens started to yawn…”
Agnes: Now make them drink the milk.
Gru: Wow, this is garbage! You actually like this?

Gru: (to the girls) You will not cry, or sneeze or barf or fart! No annoying sounds.
Agnes: Does this count as annoying? (makes noises with her mouth)

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(When referring to Gru)
Agnes: I like him, he’s nice
Edith: But scary
Agnes: Like Santa

Edith: When we were adopted by a bald guy I thought it would be more like Annie.

Gru: I shrink the moon, I grab the moon, I sit on the toilet bowl….. what?
(says this as he give presentation to get money, and see’s a picture of him on the toilet drawn by the girls)

Gru: Mom that’s not cool…(said as Gru’s mom showing baby pictures of Gru to the girl)

Margo: He is going to kick your butt… (said to Vector as he holds the girls hostage)

Gru: to one minion as he is kissing them good night): Didn’t I get you already?

Gru: We have done great things, we have stolen the jumbotron from time square. ( minions cheer) ..We stole the Statue of Liberty…! (minions cheer)…the small one, from Las Vegas!” (minions stop cheering)

Gru: We are going to pull of the true crime of the century… we are going to steal the MOON!

Agnes: (when speaking about the unicorn at the amusement park): It’s fluffy I am going to die!!

The movie was full of memorable quotes and jokes but the funniest characters were the minions. Most of the time you could not understand what said but their expressions and high pitched squeals stole the scene.