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Daughter of Burt Bacharach and Angie Dickinson Commits Suicide

Nikki Bacharach, the 40 year old daughter of Burt Bacharach and Angie Dickinson, committed suicide on January 4, 2007, according to news reports. Nikki Bacharach suffered from Asperger Syndrome Disorder, a form of autism.

According to a statement by Linda Dozoretz, a spokesperson for the family,, “she (Nikki Bacharach) quietly and peacefully committed suicide to escape the ravages to her brain brought on by Asperger’s”. The statement went on to say “She loved kitties, and earthquakes, glacial calving, meteor showers, science, blue skies and sunsets and Tahiti.

Burt Bacharach 77, and Angie Dickinson, 75 were married from 1965 to 1981. Nikki Bacharach was the only child of the couple. It was the second marriage for both Burt Bacharach and Angie Dickinson. Bacharach has three children from another marriage.

Burt Bacharach is the Oscar winning composer of many popular songs. Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head, What the World Needs Now is Love, ll Never Fall in Love Again, This Guy’s in Love With You , Make it Easy on Yourself, I say a Little Prayer, Alfie, Wives and Lovers, They Long to be Close to You, Message to Michael, There’s Always Something There to Remind Me and Living Together Growing Together.

Burt Bacharach composed a song titled Nikki, with a refrain filled with longing for his daughter.

Nikki, it’s you.
Nikki, where can you be?
It’s you, no one but you for me
I’ve been so lonely since you went away.
I won’t spend a happy day
’til you’re back in my arms.

Angie Dickinson starred in the film “Dress to Kill” and the hit TV show “Police Woman”. She got her first bit part in a Warner Brothers movie in 1954 and gained television fame in the television series “The Millionaire (1955). She got her first good film role opposite John Wayne and Dean Martin in “Rio Bravo” in 1959.

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Asperger Syndrome is a autistic spectrum disorder. The developmental disorder is characterized by an inability to understand how to interact socially. According to WebMD, the characteristics of Asperger’s may include: early language delay, clumsy and uncoordinated motor movements, limited interests or unusual preoccupations, repetitive routines or rituals, speech and language peculiarities and a non-verbal communication problems. , Generally children with Asperger Syndrome have few facial expressions.

Individuals with Asperger Syndrome can exhibit a variety of characteristics of the disorder that can range from mild to severe. Persons with Asperger Syndrome Persons with the disorder often have deficiencies in social skills, have difficulties with transitions or changes. Often they prefer sameness and have obsessive routines. The may be overly sensitive to sounds, tastes, smells and sights. The person with Asperger Syndrome may prefer to wear soft clothing and eat certain foods. They are sometimes bothered by sounds or lights that no one else seems to hear or see.

The person with Asperger Syndrome perceives the world differently from others. . Because of their high degree of functionality and their naivete, those with Asperger Syndrome are often viewed as eccentric or odd and can easily become victims of teasing and bullying.Bullying behavior not to be ignored
