Articles for tag: Asperger Syndrome, Aspergers Syndrome

What is Asperger’s Syndrome?

Asperger Syndrome (AS) neurobiological or developmental disorder of specific symptoms diagnosed in children about three years of age or some cases early as infancy, part of a group of conditions called autism (Impairs social interaction and communication, and cause restricted and repetitive behaviors 3) spectrum disorder (Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs)) (2) : Evaluated as a ...

Karla News

Overview of Asperger Syndrome Signs and Symptoms

Asperger Syndrome is a pervasive developmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to effectively communicate and socialize. Asperger Syndrome is considered a mild, high functioning form of autism (on the autism spectrum). There are so many resources with wonderful information about Asperger Syndrome. Though finding detailed information outlining the specific signs and symptoms of Asperger ...

Karla News

Recognizing Asperger’s Syndrome in Toddlers

The first time someone directed the big A-word at my child, I was insulted, to say the least. My son was leaving milestones in the dust from the moment he was born. I found the idea of him having autism laughable at best. However, as time passed and baby grew into toddler, I started reevaluating ...

Karla News

Asperger’s Syndrome: A Parent’s Guide

As a milder form of autism, Asperger’s Syndrome was originally discovered in 1944, named after an Austrian psychiatrist and pediatrician who first discovered this complex biological condition which affects the communication and social skills of an individual. Because Asperger’s Syndrome is generally misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed in childhood, the following is a review of the condition, ...

Karla News

Teaching Children with Asperger Syndrome

Asperger Syndrome is a neurological disease typically diagnosed in children ages two to four. It is a form of functional autism that largely affects a person’s communication and social skills. Some children with Asperger Syndrome (AS) must be placed in special education classrooms, while others function relatively well in standard education classes. In my tenure ...

Choosing Schools and Asperger’s Syndrome

Choosing the right school for a child with Asperger’s Syndrome is a process of research and assessment. Each child is unique and it is important to find systems and staff that will best work with his needs. Researching Schools for Asperger’s Syndrome Children Make a list of all the schools in the area, public and ...

Karla News

Asperger Syndrome Symptoms in Adolescence

Adolescents dealing with Asperger Syndrome were among the 10th through 12th grade students in Lynn Pritchett’s last few years as a public school educator in Tucson, Arizona. Lynn assisted them in learning to adapt their talents and challenges toward gainful employment opportunities and educational goals beyond high school. Employment and education beyond high school is ...

Karla News

Living with Asperger Syndrome on a Daily Basis

Asperger Syndrome is considered by many experts to be on the higher functioning spectrum of autism. I’ve lived with Asperger Syndrome for more than 39 years. This article is going to discuss how Asperger Syndrome affects my everyday life. Others who have this condition will experience things differently degree-wise than myself. At the end of ...

How to Tell If Your Child Has Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger’s Syndrome, according to the dictionary, is a severe and incurable neurobiological disorder that is characterized by problems with socializing, odd behavior patterns, attention to details of objects and often a keen ability to memorize. Asperger’s Syndrome is part of the Autism Spectrum Disorders and is considered by some to be high functioning Autism. The ...

Does My Child Have Asperger’s Syndrome?

Asperger’s Syndrome is often diagnosed when a child starts school and the problems become apparent. Here are the signs and symptoms to look for. Asperger’s Syndrome and Socializing Children with Asperger’s Syndrome often prefer their own company. They are not interested in fashions, trends and celebrities and may seem to live in their own private ...