Articles for tag: Speech Problems, Tics

Facial Tics and Twitches

Tics are muscle movements that occur repeatedly in brief, sudden uncontrollable spasms. They often involve muscles of the face and eyes. The tic is the same each time it occurs, and stress worsen tics. During periods of intense mental concentration, tics occur less often. While stress is a contributing factor to most tics and twitches, ...

Speech Impediments Vs. Intelligence

People often look at those around them and first judge them by what they see and hear. It is the natural thing for us to do as humans we often also mistake people for who they really are. If someone has a physical flaw such as a leg missing or a large scar, people may ...

Karla News

Types of Speech and Language Disorders

There are many types of speech and language disorders, each caused by different reasons. Some speech disorders are caused by various parts of the nervous system, muscles, and other parts that are involved in speech. Language disorders are caused by other factors which we will discuss. One type of language disorder is known as aphasia. ...

Karla News

Early Warning Symptoms of MS

Knowing the early warning signs of diseases is the best way to control and fight them. This can also be true if you think you might have MS. MS refers to Multiple Sclerosis. MS generally will hit a person aged 20 to 40 years old. The early warning symptoms can begin mild. In fact, the ...

Karla News

Handwriting Analysis – Fun Facts

Handwriting analysis is a complex subject. Many, many books have been written about it. Formal study, sometimes at the college level, is usually required in order to practice it professionally. There are even graphology organizations with regular conferences discussing all the nuances of this fascinating field. If you’re interested in handwriting analysis, but don’t want ...