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Create Scented Rubbing Alcohol for Holiday Gift Giving

Fresh Flowers, Glass Jar, Homemade Gift Ideas, Rubbing Alcohol

Are you in the process of creating gift baskets for your family, friends and co-workers? If so, you may want to consider whipping up a batch of scented rubbing alcohol. After all, scented rubbing alcohol and unscented rubbing alcohol essential serve the same function. The only major difference between the two is that one is designed to smell better. I have found that bottles of scented rubbing alcohol are easy to make. They also make super additions to get well soon gift baskets, personal care baskets and gift baskets for new parents. Here’s how to make it:

Scented Rubbing Alcohol Supplies

In order to complete this holiday craft project, you will need a bottle of unscented rubbing alcohol, decorative glass or plastic bottles and fresh botanicals from your home’s garden. If you do not have a garden at home, you may opt to purchase fresh flowers through your local florist instead. Excellent botanicals to use in the creation of scented rubbing alcohol include rose, lemon verbena, violet, bergamot and chamomile. The decorative jars are often available for purchase through packaging related retailers and craft stores.

As far as the unscented rubbing alcohol goes, you can typically purchase it through medical retailers and pharmacies. It is sold under the name isopropyl alcohol and appears clear. Do not buy the green rubbing alcohol because it is usually already scented with wintergreen. If you plan on making a lot of bottles to give as gifts, I would recommend that you consider buying the isopropyl alcohol in gallon containers through medical suppliers. It tends to cheaper that way. On average, a gallon jug of unscented rubbing alcohol is apt to cost you $23. The Individual 16 ounce bottles, on the other hand, tend to retail for $3 each.

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Adding the Scent

Begin the process of creating the scented rubbing alcohol by grabbing your fresh flowers and placing them inside a wide mouth glass jar that has been outfitted with a secure lid. In general, you will want to fill the glass jar half full with fresh flowers. Afterward, pour the unscented alcohol into the same glass jar. You will want to make sure that all of the flowers are submerged in the rubbing alcohol and that the jar is full.

Once that is done, attach the lid to the jar. It is important that the jar’s lid is secure. Otherwise, the rubbing alcohol is apt to evaporate over time. Then place the flower and rubbing alcohol filled jar in a dark area of your home. Let it remain there for three weeks. You will also want to check on the jar daily and give it a good shake. Doing so will help to ensure that the alcohol continues to absorb the flowers’ scent.

Bottling the Scented Rubbing Alcohol

At the end of the three week period, bring the jar to your designated crafting area. Then use a sieve to strain all of the flowers out of the rubbing alcohol. Next, pour your newly scented rubbing alcohol into decorative bottles. The decorative bottles should be outfitted with securely fitting lids too. You may also want to add gift tags and other embellishments to the bottles before presenting them to others.

Source: Personal Experience

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