Karla News

Coppertone Endless Summer Sunless Tanning Gradual Tan Moisturizing Lotion

Coppertone, Sunless Tanners, Sunless Tanning, Sunless Tanning Lotion

I usually tan easily on my arms, stomach, back, face and…and…that’s it. No matter how many hours I lay in the sun, my legs will stay a few shades lighter than the rest of my body.

A long, long time ago a teenager me decided that an alternative solution to getting my pale legs to match the rest of my tan body I would use a sunless tanner from Coppertone. This was long ago, when sunless tanners became ‘popular’.

I applied the lotion again and again and saw no results. Then in the morning I woke up to a pair of orange legs that looked abused beaten and worse than they did when they were pale.

When a friend recommended Coppertone Endless Summer Sunless Tanning Gradual Tan Moisturizing Lotion, I wanted to run. Did she say Coppertone!? Does she honestly think I’m going to put that cheap crap on my legs again? Does she not remember what happened to me a few years ago compliments of Coppertone?

I laughed and said, no way!

She kept insisting though, and lifted her pants up to show me her legs. Her legs were usually pale like mine, and when a saw a golden kissed tan going on, I was intrigued.

I grabbed the bottle and began reading it’s sunless tanning promises. The bottle itself claimed that the lotion would create a gradual tan that matched my skin tone, resulting in a normal sun kissed glow. No orange streaks, and that the color change would be subtle, and not shocking.

It sounded okay, but what would be the point in trying her lotion that one time, if the results take several applications, which could take several days.

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I put some on anyway, and while we were out shopping picked up a bottle of it for myself. The bottle comes with 9 ounces of lotion, and comes packaged in a golden shimmery colored pump bottle.

I’m not going to lie and say that this lotion is scentless, because it is not. It has that tan in a can like scent all of us gals know. It’s not a pleasant scent, nor is it gut wrenching. It is a scent I could do without though.

I began applying the lotion daily, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day, and I can report back to all of you that it does in fact work. It works slowly, and my results were not very apparent till about week 2. By then I had definitely gotten my legs 3 shades darker than they originally were. Best of all though their were no orange streaks, no dark spots or anything else awful like that. It was just straight up color. It seemed as natural as my normal skin.

Besides my new skin color, my face was also clear. I had applied the lotion sparingly every other day only because I was afraid of break outs, it wasn’t the case though; and usually I break out when lotion is applied to my face.

The only flipside about Coppertone Endless Summer Sunless Tanning Gradual Tan Moisturizing Lotion is that if you shower and wipe your face off on a white towel you may end up staining the towel. Other than that, this lotion is awesome, and one of my personal favorite sunless tanners.

I had to give it up, and give mad props to Coppertone. They have come a long way since my oompa loompa orange legs incident.

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Pricing and availability:

You can purchase this bottle of sunless tanning lotion at any local superstore. The price is around $6.99 at Walmart. You may also purchase it online for about the same price.


I recommend this to anyone looking to move up a few shades of color. The results are flawless, clean, and natural. *Avoid using too much on knees and elbows.