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Contact Keeper – What is it and How Do You Download It?

Contact Keeper is a very basic program where you can store all of your contacts, birthdays, anniversaries, and notes. There are no required fields so you can put things in the Contact Keeper how you want them. You can create a calendar for birthdays which is really cool. You can also password protect your Contact Keeper. If you are looking for a basic program to store your contacts in, I think you will enjoy this one. There’s nothing fancy, just a basic contact program.

Downloading Contact Keeper

Go to their website and click the Download link on the left side of the page. You will then be carried to another page. You will see a bold link that says Contact Keeper 1.3.4.Click on that link to begin your download. Give it a couple of seconds and a box will pop up and asks what do you wish to do with this file. Click Save it to Disk or Save File. It will be something along those lines. It’s all according to what browser you are using as to what the box will say. Contact Keeper is about 2 megabytes in size. So it shouldn’t take long to download.

Installing Contact Keeper

To install Contact Keeper, locate the zip file that you just downloaded. Double click on the file. When the installation window opens click the Next button. This window is simply telling you that you are about to install Contact Keeper.

The next part will ask you if you want to install Contact Keeper in the Program Files folder. You can leave it here or if you want to install it somewhere else, click the browse button and locate the folder that you want to save it in. You will need at least 6 megabytes of free space to install this program. Click the Next button to continue.

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Next, it will ask if you would like to create a shortcut on your desktop to Contact Keeper. Leave the box ticked and click Next if you do. If you do not, untick the box and click Next to continue with the installation.

Here’s a tip. If you install a lot of programs, I wouldn’t create a desktop shortcut because it just clutters your desktop up. Most all of your program will be in your start menu anyway.

Click the Install button to continue the installation. This will take about a few seconds to finish. Once it is finished you can choose to open it now by leaving the Launch field ticked and clicking the Finish button. If you want to open it later, untick the launch field and click the Finish button.

That’s all there is to installing Contact Keeper. Now you are ready to get started with it.

If you have any questions about the Contact Keeper, please feel free to send me an email at [email protected]