Karla News

Common Betta Fish Diseases – Fin Rot

Fin Rot, Fish Diseases, Healthy Immune System

The bad news is that fin rot is arguably the most common disease among betta fish. The good news is that it’s easily treated and usually not serious if treated promptly.

Fin rot is easy to spot in betta fish. If your betta fish’s fins don’t look absolutely pristine, he probably has fin rot. If your betta’s fins have developed small pinholes, faded or become more transparent, have begun to recede in length or even break off in large chunks, or appear to have a dark, slimy fungus at the edges of their fins, he probably has fin rot.

Fin rot is caused by dirty water so an immediate full water change is absolutely necessary. If your betta’s fins are just starting to fray or develop pinholes, daily 100% water changes for a week may be enough to cure your betta’s fin rot. If the fin rot has advanced to more serious stages, you may need to medicate your fish with either a broad spectrum antibiotic or an antibiotic that specifically treats gram-negative rod bacteria, such as Jungle Fungus Eliminator or Tetracyline. Medication should continue until you see the fins or tail start to regrow, which could take up to 4 weeks.

Preventing fin rot is even easier than treating it. Just clean your water, folks. I recommend doing at least 50% water changes once a week and full tank water changes once a month. More than once a week (unless treating fin rot or some other disease) can stress out your fish. If this doesn’t work or your betta seems particularly susceptible to fin rot, try adding a teaspoon of aquarium salt per 1 gallon of water to your tank to decrease bacteria. Warm, stable water temperatures and a nutritious diet will ensure that your fish maintains a healthy immune system, and will increase your betta’s overall health and happiness.