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Clear Up Acne Breakouts Quickly

Advil, Blemishes, Clearing

Do you need to clear up an acne breakout quickly? Blemishes are no fun for anyone, and sadly, some of us (me included!) are more prone to breakouts than others. On the plus side, if you are prone to breakouts, you probably have oily skin. And oily skin just so happens to look younger longer! But that doesn’t mean we should have to put up with blemishes, when in fact, there are many tricks to clearing up blemishes fast. Here are a few of my favorites.

A trip to the doc. Your quickest, best method of getting rid of blemishes is to visit your friendly neighborhood dermatologist. He or she has a plenty of tricks up their sleeve to fix your face, from cortisone injections (a little painful but so effective), prescription treatments, antibiotics, and specialized skin care. Derms can treat acne scars with lasers and creams, and get you well on your way to healthy happy skin. Sometimes breakouts are caused by hormones. They only way to resolve these kinds of breakouts are to resolve the hormonal issues. In this case, see your family doctor or your fav OB/GYN. Make sure you check with your doctor before you try any of these blemish-clearing tricks.

A little fun in the sun. You need to proceed with caution, here! Sunblock can cause pores to get clogged and breakout, so use a mineral powder sunblock that does not contain talc. Spending a little time in the sunshine will help heal and dry your blemishes, but keep the fun in the sun to a minimum. You don’t want to add sun burn or sun damage to your blemishes.

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Hydrate. Staying well hydrated will help keep your skin functioning efficiently. This helps your body rid itself of toxins appropriately, rather than creating infections in your skin.

Get control of your skin care system. A good skin care system is essential to clearing up your breakout. It doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to work! Try a system that contains salicylic acid in the cleaner, toner, and moisturizer. Use them twice a day as long as it isn’t overdrying on your skin. Always wash your face before you go to bed at night! Use a little benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acne treatment on blemishes to spot treat.

Advil. According to Pinterest, you can break open an Advil liquigel cap and apply it to the blemish. It is supposed to bring down the swelling and speed healing. I haven’t tried it myself, but the treatment sounds like it has potential!

Aspirin. Aspirin contains salicylic acid. Crush one up, mix with a little water to form a paste, and apply it to the blemish. Rinse it off after it has dried.

Wait it out. Really the best advice for clearing up blemishes is to wait it out. That means don’t touch, don’t pick, and don’t obsess. Get enough sleep, eat well, and stay hydrated and let your body get to work healing. Keep your hands off of your face, as the dirt and germs from your hands can cause more breakouts. Picking and scratching at pimples can make the infection spread, get deeper, and scar.

There are plenty of other types of acne control, so if these don’t work for you, try something else! Keep experimenting to find the right products for you. Always check with your doctor before trying an acne treatment product, especially if you are pregnant or nursing.