Articles for category: Prose

Karla News

Poetry Writing and Sentimentality

In literature, artistic merit is distinguished between “sentiment” and “sentimentality.” The word “sentiment” refers to the emotional import of a passage as distinguished by chosen words. Determining the sentiment in a poem enables us to understand its tone. Excessive sentiment is “sentimental,” a negative term in literary analysis. By referencing the excessiveness, the speaker shouldn’t ...

Karla News

Tennyson’s Mariana:Emotional and Environmental Similarities

Tennyson’s poem Mariana is the story of a woman who lives an isolated existence surrounded by a moat, and who spends her days and nights anticipating the arrival of her lover. In the poem, there is a prevailing feeling of loneliness and despair that dominates throughout. Not only is Mariana isolated in her residence, but ...

Karla News

Mother’s Day 2009: Happy Mother’s Day

All around the world, there are people who cannot celebrate Mother’s Day, with their mothers. Mother’s Day can be difficult for anyone who has a mother who is absent, for one reason or another. This letter is written, especially for them. Dear Mother, Happy Mother’s Day! Wherever you are on this special day in 2009, ...

Karla News

Top Ten Romantic Movies to Watch This Fall

What better way to bring romance into the evening than to watch a romantic movie. Notice I never said it had to be with anyone. You could watch it by yourself! Romantic movies can make us feel better, and also make us feel sad. It all depends on your viewpoint. If you were just dumped ...

Karla News

Famous Funny Quotes from Yogi Berra

Nobody can turn a phrase like Baseball great Yogi Berra. He became so famous for them that they even invented the word Yogi-isms to describe them. Journalists used to enjoy interviewing him just to see what he would come out with next. Here are some of the greatest quotes Yogi Berra ever uttered. “It ain’t ...